Does anyone know the minimum cold cranking amps required for a C-18 ACERT 1150 hp with 24v starter? I have two bad batteries and need to replace them. Yes, I plan to replace all 4 batteries serving both engines even though only two are bad. Existing batteries lasted 6 years. My current batteries are 1450 CCA but I’m having trouble finding same rating that is available within a reasonable timeframe in my area. I can get 1110 CCA from local Napa but to get the 1450 it’s gonna be several weeks to get them shipped in. These are 2(ea) 12v batteries in series for the 24v. Thanks for any input!
Thanks. Not sure if that is the acceptable CCA range for all the engines listed or just the CAT labeled batteries they sell?
I don't know. But I read that list of optional equipment as being specific for the 2 versions of C18 on that spec sheet - if that's your question. Honestly, I was surprised to see they actually have battery CCA on there at all, which is why I posted it.
I read that the same way. I think I’ll just get the 1110 CCA for now to get me by until I can get better replacements for all 4. I’m looking at the Full River 260-12. I’ve generally had good luck with their batteries.
I'm sure you will be happy with the 1100s. Also, NAPA usually sells the Deka batteries with the NAPA label. You can shop for the 1425s with part number 908DFT. The 1100s are part number 708D. Were using 1050 CCA 4D batteries on one of our customers boats twisting 12V71TAs. Part number 904D. West Marine is my Deka supplier if a store is close to you. Give them these part numbers. Model # 15020217 Mfg # 908DFT Big 8D Model # 15020209 Mfg # WM904D Big 4D These are flooded batteries with the new gas valves that make them look like some AGM models but are not. So I need to ask anyway, checked your batteries water levels?.
My existing batteries are AGM so no levels to check. Given I cannot be near the boat for extended periods I do not want flooded batteries. I’m an AGM battery fan regardless. No West Marine in Ketchikan, Alaska
Intresting. You asked for the minimum CCA for your Cats. Why?? You are considering are even higher at 1525 at 0 degrees F. No mention of AGM in the OP either. Albuquerque ,, I took a wrong turn there and missed something. Yep,, Albuquerque ..
Not sure I understand the point of comparing a bunch of similar batteries. Over the last 15-20 years I ve used various type and brands of 8Ds to start 3412s, C32 and 16V2000. Mostly AGM. Two 8Ds in series to make 24v have always been fine. Why all the overthinking and mental masturbation?
It was a pretty simple one sentence question about the minimum CCA specs. Apologies if that caused you to mentally masturbate.
I ran a boat with C18's 1000hp, a 45' Cabo, it had 2-group 31 yellow top Optima's for starting, they started it fine, but if they were down just a little, they struggled. They were only 900 CCA. I would think 1100 CCA would be fine.
‘Thanks. No intention to use anything other than 8Ds. There are widely varying CCA ratings within the 8D size group thus the original question. All good, I bought two of the 1110 CCA batteries that I could get locally and will put those on the STBD side where my batteries failed. The port side batteries tested good so since they are isolated banks I’m not worried about old batteries mixed with new. I’ll see how things go and might just go the season like that and then change the port side during off season.