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searay l650 bridge

Discussion in 'Sea Ray Yacht' started by ameriboat, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Brand, age of the batteries, etc. ???? Check the batteries for them, chances are the batteries are shot and need to be replaced. Next, check the fuses, if side power, they have a large blade type 400 amp (usually) fuse inside the black plastic cover that the large red disconnect button is on. Next check to see if there is a breaker on the panel for the control panels/system.
  2. NYCAP123

    NYCAP123 Senior Member

    Mar 14, 2008
    Long Island, NY
    Have you checked the breaker?

    LARRYH New Member

    Nov 14, 2020
    I have a 650 Fly with hydraulic thrusters .. That being said IF you have electric thruster you should have a separate battery and seperate breaker for the thruster be sure to check that . Then I also have a rocker switch on the dash that turns them on it is fairly well hidden but you might check for that .. I also have the Joy stick operation for the thruster just for docking mode .. but i also have manual rockers for the Thrusters you need to make sure the control station you are using (if it is like mine ) has the control by pushing the take button (not sure how your works but ) then it all should work also might have to turn off the warm button on the cat controller ..
    sorry if this is to elementary but these are the things i have to remember each time.. maybe replace the battery's for the thrusters and finally you sure they are electric the hydraulic are SOOO nice ..
    if none of that works also email searay they will send you instructions... good luck
  4. Edwin O

    Edwin O New Member

    Aug 3, 2019
    I will go to the boat in this weekend and show you guys the problem. Yes the rocker switch is on when I test the thruster every time. Yes they have dedicated battery with is own battery charger (two 12v ODYSSEY agm batteries) and the thruster is by VETUS (BOW2204DE).
    Well my boat is 2015, batteries never changed since. Boat engine hours around 250. Thruster motor rebuilt every year with new brushes installed. New solenoid replaced recently.
    When I press the right button on the controller thruster it sounds healthy and it moves to the right. After that I press the left button, it will move but only works for half second. Then u hear click click click sound from the thruster system. Then no response even you press the right button.
    Is it a sign of bad batteries? Or bad contacts? Or bad reinstallatioms after the motor is rebuilt?
    But thank you so much for your input.
    Our local dealer is useless here.
    I really hope Searay could see our posts and giving us a help. We spend big bucks for the boat and get no assistance. So hopeless!
    I love searay but I hate searay more.
    Stay well and see you guys on the water one day!
  5. f3504x4ps

    f3504x4ps Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    Cape Canaveral, FL
    Sounds like bad batteries, 6 yrs old their done. The charger is able to put a charge in the batteries but they give a few minutes of use and their dead again. Price new batteries.
    LARRYH likes this.
  6. f3504x4ps

    f3504x4ps Member

    Apr 23, 2012
    Cape Canaveral, FL
    Easy to check if you have a volt meter to check voltage before use and then right after you use thruster. If unsure maybe you could ask a dock mate for assistance in exchange for a beverage. Best of luck

  7. chesapeake46

    chesapeake46 Senior Member

    Jul 26, 2009
    Chesapeake Bay, Delaware Bay & S.Jersey
    Or have some one hit the switch while you have a meter on the battery & see what the voltage does.
  8. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Why would searay help with this? This is a maintenance issue and call a marine electrician or mechanic to sort it out. 2015, the batteries are BAD and the source of your problem. Replacement is overdue on them by about……oooohhhh 3 or 4 years. Replace them. Changing brushes in the thruster every year is also something never heard of, probably from weak batteries and someone heavy handed with the thruster.
  9. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    6 year old batteries ? Indeed they re done

    I have never heard of having to rebuild the motor or replace brushes every year or two....

    replace the batteries and see what happens
    LARRYH likes this.
  10. Edwin O

    Edwin O New Member

    Aug 3, 2019
    yeah..I am going to check the bow thruster batteries today. Will record the voltage before and after use. They are Odyssey brand PC1800FT AGM type.
  11. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Quit being CHEAP and just replace them. They are 3 years BEYOND their life expectancy. Also check the charger, because it is most likely damaged by the bad batteries from a severe lack of maintenance on the vessel owners part.
  12. Edwin O

    Edwin O New Member

    Aug 3, 2019
    Well, I ordered the new batteries already. Should be arrived some time this week. Just wondering i don’t use the boat much, only 240engine hours so far plus I don’t abuse my thrusters much. Input?
  13. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Engine hours have nothing to do with batteries. On average batteries last 4 to 6 years. If yours are 6 years old, replace them and see what happens. Thrusters pull a lot of juice out of batteries and most builders cheap out using the smallest possible bank

    and don’t get me started on why the heck would you need a thruster on a boat that size
  14. Mike Moser

    Mike Moser New Member

    Jul 20, 2017
    Rogers, AR
    I was recalling the L650 having NiCAD batteries, one of the very few boats in the industry. In the aviation industry, NiCads and Lead Acid batteries are not even allowed in the same room with each other. the NiCAD's require a whole different maintenance discipline. Consequently, they might have a longer useful life expectancy .
    LARRYH likes this.
  15. LARRYH

    LARRYH New Member

    Nov 14, 2020
    FWIW my L650 fly has NICAD's and there are zero lead acid batteries on the boat.. but the thrusters are hydraulic....
    Mike Moser likes this.
  16. LARRYH

    LARRYH New Member

    Nov 14, 2020
    I thought i would give an update on my first summer with my 2015 L650FLY.. we have enjoyed the boat quite a bit this year with several weekend trips.. than spent two weeks touring the Chesapeake bay with stops at about 5 locations among them was St Micheals , Annapolis , Baltimore , and salmons island.. the boat drives great and is easy to maneuver for most of these trips it was just my wife and I .. ..Things we decided is :
    1. We love the fly bridge it is open with a roof and we spend a lot of time up there.. whether at sea or sitting at dockside ..with room for maybe 10 people on it However we prefer two bridge helm seats so I have ordered two slimline stidd seats hopefully will be in soon..We also had the opportunity to grill on the bridge grill which worked great....
    2. Re HVAC we discovered so many things that are not as shown on the diagram for example it has two water sources with two sea strainers I only recently discovered that cause two AC units quit working so got my AC guy there and after hours of looking he found a hidden sea strainer this is obviously a mid production change so one more weekly job. we have lots of jelly fish where I dock it..
    3. Replaced the fresh water pump as it had a very slight leak but better safe than sorry...
    4. The salon furniture is not real comfortable so maybe on the list for replacement not a high priority ....
    Depending on IDA ..have a 5 day tripped planned in the next few days...hopefully things work out on that..
  17. LARRYH

    LARRYH New Member

    Nov 14, 2020
    A one year update on my L650 fly I have owned it for over a year and no unusual problems that I would blame on the boat.. I replaced upper helm seat with 2 STIDD slimline seats so my co capt (my wife ) can sit next to me ours has teak everywhere it was offered which is still in great shape. I recently had a yacht controller(remote control) added so I can see a little better when docking.. I took it back to Florida for the winter the trip down went well then brought back over the period of a month or so .. I hired a great detailer while in Charleston on the return trip and he ceramic coated the deck (the white portion of the blue boat.. I must say again that sea ray is very helpful with everything I need... I send an email and get the answers with in 24 hours ..I replaced all the wipers which are massive dual drive 40 blades and arms ... it would have been a challenger without the help from sea ray who provided the diagram part numbers and manufacturer who were very helpful and quick.. .. Now we will cruise the Chesapeake bay this summer....
    I will also say the sea keepers are excellent.. that and my hydraulic thrusters ...
  18. jason fifield

    jason fifield New Member

    Sep 28, 2017
    Thank you for the updates! The L650 fly is on my short list for my new boat.
    LARRYH likes this.
  19. MT0331

    MT0331 New Member

    May 17, 2024
    East Greenwich
    Could i ask if you ever closed on the boat? And if you still own it? If so are you happy with your decision all these years later? Thinking of buying one but share a lot of the same concerns you had.
  20. LARRYH

    LARRYH New Member

    Nov 14, 2020
    I did close on the boat kept it a couple of years then sold it . We had the opportunity to buy a new Maritimo with an enclosed flybridge which my wife and I like a lot more in fact just piloted that boat to Florida and back . It sure was nice to have enclosed flybridge we are just entering our second year with this boat...
    gr8trn likes this.