In my opinion; None is preferred. I don't think MAN wants any also. Use the boat. Then no snake oils are required. Some fuel pumps sell ValvTech brand fuels with some additives already mixed in. These may help for storage and intermittent use. Again In my opinion; Nothing can prevent this but you. Yet it does happen. Some may additives help when you take on poor quality fuel. So only shop from the more popular, trusted and busy pumps.
I had a road grader with a 4-71 DD. I bought the cheapest, nastiest, gunk fuel I could find. Most marine engines have a pair of filters to catch bad stuff. For lubrication I added a pint of 2 stroke oil to a full 30 gal tank once in a while. 2 stroke oil emulsifies very well with both gasoline and diesel fuel. Costs about the same as ATF. YMMV
thanks for the opinions,using the boat is always good! far as quality of fuel,it's from the one and only yacht club this side of PR,not really any choice ..and I think you all know the Caribbean preventive maitanance procedures
There for a while, we burned our used oil. May be up to 10% (more or less). Could not afford an oil centrifuge so the oil had to sit for a few months for any heavy sediment to settle. Stank like hell. Ran great. Yep, Detroits will burn deep fry oil also, then it smells like a burger joint. You have to use a fuel heater option in your Racor to help it flow when cold.
These beasts (detroit dinosaurs) will run on rancid butter, however, you want tto keep the injectors dry (free of water) and well lubricated. Plant based oil will become sticky like old varnish over time, so allways mix with diesel fuel. Some fuels will give longer engine life than others obviously.