I found a boat I like. It's in the Great White North. Would be going through Weller canal down to Cleveland, and over land to The Republic. If you have relevant info, please jump in. Fed Taxes? Boat is > 20 years old. Customs fees? Plans? Ideas? Things not to do?
This will likely depend on where the boat was built and whether it is covered under NAFTA. If US built, no duties but likely state sales tax. Not sure where the "Republic" is so it's tough to offer much more advice. The Welland Canal is an interesting trip, and be prepared for a day of work. YF Member @Rodger is a wealth of knowledge.
I have homes in TX and OK. There is no sales tax on OK boats, but a reg fee. It was built in WI, and at some time exported from US to Canada. I'm not too worried about the exporting from Canada, but concerned about importing to US. I doubt Canada cares much about a 20 year old private owned boat being sent to US. The import to US with customs is my real concern. Would be a private party sale. I'll ask the seller if they can help.
Shouldn’t be any customs duties since it s US built. Check with a documentation agent to see what paperwork is required.
I just spoke to a Canada broker, and he confirmed if made in the US, re-importing to US is amazingly simple. They just confirm the VIN to the original build documentation which should have been done when exported from US, and maybe do a drug inspection and that's about it. May be a customs service provision fee depending on time and location of arrival in US port.