This is my first time working as a private boat captain. Is there a general template that I can use as a contract with the owner? Thanks
Sadly, the wana be lawyers type away, When a real advice is requested, it's quiet. Lesson #1 ONE, no extra charge.. Lesson #2 TWO; If you need real legal advice, Consult YOUR REAL attorney. Only your attorney can guide you for what you are really doing / where / how. Good luck on your adventures and please stay safe & well..
A contract for what? An employment agreement? A hold harmless liability waiver? Full time or freelance? Where? USCG licensed? Have you talked to a maritime attorney? You can download all kinds of contract templates for free on the internet. None of them will protect you from your own negligence or keep someone from suing you if that's what they've decided to do.
I don't use a contract. I don't pay for any insurance. My word is good enough. If I say I'll be there and you agree to pay my daily rate, you have me for that timeframe. Pretty simple as it should be. When I leave I've made new friends and go home happy!