My cousin has been on La Gonâve for her development charity. She says that there are currently no evacuation flight plans for Canadians such as herself. She is relatively safe, as La Gonâve is not accessible by land from Port-au-Prince, but I saw anxiety in a video update she recently posted. Thus, I am looking for advice on whether it would be feasible to consider a maritime departure for her. Thank you in advance, Colin
In theory it should be doable to charter a boat from either The Dominican Republic, or Jamaica to do s pick-up from La Gonave then high tail it out of there. Not sure about custom and immigration check in facilities, if they are even operating in the midst Of the revolution, civil war, chaos or whatever is going on in Haiti right now. If the Haitians have patrol boats in the bay (doubtful) they could impound a charter boat and arrest the crew and passengers. Maybe a quick helicopter evacuation from the beach would be a safer, but more expensive option?
Colin: I’ve flown into/out of Haiti a few hundred times after the earthquake. At that time there was a UN presence at most airports so risk was manageable. Speaking with Haitian friends, this is MUCH worse…. Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone on LaGonave so can’t offer any real intel. Anse a Galets airport is a relatively short unimproved dirt strip. Your best bet will be finding someone with a STOL aircraft (Islander, Kodiak, etc…) to do a quick grab. Try FBOs in the DR and Jamaica looking for a charter outfit. I’ll PM some possible contacts. Brett
Thank you! This is great news. I'm getting in touch with my cousin's husband now, in case he's not heard.
I've just heard from my cousin's husband: she's made it to Miami. No further details as yet. Thank you for your thoughts and help.