Anyone know a good experienced ZF marine gearbox engineer / electrician who is close to Gibraltar and who could assist with a ZF controller problem. local company are too busy with no date in the near future.
Mathers clear command The problem. We went out the other day on a sea trial and the boat performed well over about 40 mins up to about 2000 rpm but not harder as we were heading over for a lift out to clean the bottom. We then went into neutral to wait for the lift out. When the port control was put in forward gear an intermittent quick alarm sounded on the inside station. ( the boat was being driven from the fly bridge) on the lever being put into forward gear nothing happened. The engine continued to run but no movement. We returned to our marina on one engine but with the port still running. Once in the following applies pretty much as above. However when the port engine is started it is immediately revving at about 1200 rpm. And no control. Forward or reverse. Engine oil is clean and clear, oil levels are the same on both engines just above the lower mark on the dip stick when the gearboxes are cold. When both engines are started either together or on their own. The keys are turned command beeps on control. Press black button to take control. Beeping stops. 4 or 5 seconds later rapid beeping starts.
Call Control Masters Marine in St. Augustine Florida Ask for Ed. 1-904-260-9756 Although it looks like you are in Europe, he is as good as it gets and might be able to walk you through troubleshooting on the phone.
Can you open the breakers for the control system or pull the fuses to completely remove the power. Letting it reboot from being fully depowered may sort it or if not your going to have to look at the connections. I had one once that lost throttle input to engine and it was the solenoid cap that had lost its gasket and had developed a bit of corrosion. This was not found in 30 secs either. We were cruising in Alaska sat the time so the boat was in constant use too.
We have tried turning the APS off and the breakers. But we have not pulled the fuses in the actual actuators if that is what you mean ? Can try that tomorrow. I still think it might be the solenoid not allowing the gearbox to go out of neutral back into gear. But I am no mechanic and have no reason to believe I’m right it just seems possible.