I has Rolls/Surretes for house and start batteries on my first Florida sailboat boat back in 1998. Good stuff with almost 10 years in service before they petered out. No way I would replace them with new Rolls batteries unless I was sailing to and exploring Antartica for the next 7-8 years. $$$ My neighbor was the Deka distributor in Fort Lauderdale and offered friends and family prices for the 6 volt golf cart batteries I used ever after as well as the Start Batteries, 5 total. I averaged 5 years, sometimes 6 but the solar panels would mask the lack of capacity after 5 years. Still great batteries and he sold 50,000 units to West Marine with their label slapped on. (I also used the Dekas in my Duffy Balboa Electric boat and in my MB E-500 wagon, great batteries) On present small boat I have 2 Interstate AGM house/start batteries, group 34. Had 2 Optima’s last year but they failed after 3 months and one dragged the other one down to 5.4 volts. They recovered but couldn’t trust them after that, hate to paddle home at night using my hands, single engine boat, no generator.