I’ve heard in the news that Panama Canal has limited the number of ships per day that transit the canal. Does anyone know if they have a limit for small pleasure craft? Are there delays for pleasure craft? and I crossed the canal once before and used an expediter but cannot remember the companies name. Can someone please recommend an expediter? Refards,
If you have a small boat you might be able to hitch a ride in the lock with a big one. The wash is pretty intense when they use their props in those close confines in my experience
Just had a recommended video by a couple on a small sailboat that transited recently. There's a Q&A at the end that details who to hire as agent and other details. Brought back memories. The info section starts at 25:07.
My last transit was with: Delfino Maritime Francis Zeimetz (+507) 6616-3117 delfinomaritime@hotmail.com or delfino@panage.net They are the company that Pete Stevens worked for before he passed. Had a great time reminiscing about Pete with his successors. Pete was THE guy for yachts back in the day. One vital aspect of a yacht transit agent is providing canal lines, fenders, and handlers as needed. Both Delfino and McBride are capable.
They have ONLY transited yachts with a short freighter through the canal for years now. East to West is at night, West to East is during the day. Yes, traffic thru the canal right now is limited, due to low water levels. I use Enrique Plumer, he is the best as far as an agent goes.