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Jungle Queen

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by JWY, Mar 3, 2024.

  1. JWY

    JWY Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Had out-of-town company, so took them on Jungle Queen. First time in years I have supported this nemesis. They no longer go up the New River? Or was this just a lucky day for boaters?
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2024
  2. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Aye Judy: We lived with the JQ for 24 years as we were based up the New River and made friends with her and her Master’s many times.
    After a while we recognized the Captains on the VHF and they knew us bumbling around on sailboat Rhapsody, always on the way to the Keys or the Bahamas or back, and always Port to Port, from 1999 to 2013. (Sold the sailboat May 2013 but kept running the river on stink-potters ever after, but easy with twin engines or bow thrusters, or both.)
    Then the New River got more busy and more aggressive, not so much fun, more work, big boats going sideways in the narrows with close calls and no clue.

    We do remember the first female JQ Captain back then, she did very well, guess she moved on..
    We usually met the Jungle Queen at the most narrow corners, like Little Florida but her whistle and the VHF calls made it no big deal.
    Can’t say we miss her, but maybe we do. :cool:

    (I occasionally fantasized about buying a ticket on the Jungle Queen just to sit in upper forward viewing areas to observe the face expression of newbie small boaters seeing the JQ for first time dead ahead coming sideways at them and doing
    12 knots with the current, whistle blowing hard and 200 ignorant pax waving friendly with drink in hand not knowing how challenging the River is down current on a big arse barge with a famous name.)
    Respect JQ

    Half hitch likes this.
  3. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Around 30+ years ago, my first time ever running this Roamer Houseboat (SpellBound sister ship), first time on the new river (outbound from Jackson marine)), there she was, JQ; head on.
    Before the stain in my shorts started to set, she had already backed in between two docks and patiently waited for me to pass.
    Thru the years, I intermittently made deliveries in/out to Lauderdale Marine and West Cable always ready to greet JQ thru the day,,, somewhere.
    I never had a chance to met any of her captains.
    Never sure how many JQ there were thru the years.
    Always,, ALWAYS she was the the fastest to yield. Never an issue.

    I have not been up those ways in near 10 years now.

    Long live the Jungle Queen.

    So; where does she go now?
  4. JWY

    JWY Senior Member

    Feb 22, 2004
    Ft. Lauderdale
    For the 20+ years I have been going up and down the New River, the JQ yielded to no one. She must have had courteous mariners in her youth. From her "new" dock at Bahia Mar, she went to the Las Olas bridge and then made a U-turn to the New River. Got to the 3rd Ave bridge and then made another U-ey. Then went under the 17th St. bridge to show off the cruise ships, then turned around at the Dania Cut-off Canal. Instead of showing off the big gals upriver, we saw and heard about all of the manses.
  5. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Seems to be 2 different cruise events.
    From the JQ website;

    The 90 Minute Cruise as Judy explained and the Tropical Isle Cruise that goes way up river.
  6. Half hitch

    Half hitch New Member

    Feb 24, 2024
    My best encounter with JQ came on my first date with my future wife.
    We had just left Tugboat Annies where we had dinner and were heading up river when the outdrive on my boat seized up ( mechanic who just rebuilt it forgot to put oil in it!!). Well as I was trying to get my kicker started guess who comes around the bend on their return trip back down river from their dinner cruise ( back when they had them ) good old JQ. Capt thought he'd help us out by turning the spotlight on us! to which my date and I are standing there like Deer in the headlights, the only thing that snapped us out of it was all the flashbulbs going off from the tourists on the JQ taking our picture. Luckily I got the kicker started on the second pull and off we scooted. My wife still talks about it 32yrs later.
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    There is a western river rule that does not apply to the east coast but is still practiced by most.
    Down-bound has the stand-on attitude.
    It just makes sense, it is a lil to a good bit harder to maneuver, with a current on your stern.

    Next non-official rule, Gross-Tonnage wins.

    Next non-official rule, Snotty attitude is on the bottom of the list as illustrated;

    Finally an official rule, RAM or Towing.

    With the help of these guiede-lines I have never had any big problems on the New River or with JQ.

    Not many issues around here on the St Johns River either.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2024
  8. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I have to take that back.
    I was just reminded; We sea-trialed and took delivery of my friends 75Hatt CPMY near 6 years ago.
    I do not remember encountering JQ then.
  9. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Aye, memories : Tugboat Annies was one of my watering holes and a friend of mine had
    a part time gig as the Dock Master there, he was also the Captain on Lady B…..
    This thread remained me to buy a ticket on JQ next time in Fort Lauderdale, preferably on a
    Sunday with good weather and heavy boat traffic. :cool:
    Half hitch likes this.
  10. David Helsom

    David Helsom Senior Member

    Sep 23, 2019
    Sturgeon Bay/Fort Lauderdale
    I’m starting to know the different skippers by the sound of their voice chewing a@# over the loud speaker to some poor small boater in the way. The JQ appears to give way to nobody smaller than her, from my view.
    Tugboat Annies brings back fond memories indeed.
  11. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    It's that Gross Tonnage guideline coming into play.
    Other wise known as; Get the Frak out of the way meathead..

    Loud speakers do get a fine message across, even here in the St Johns River.
    I hit the local meatheads with the siren before asking WTF they are doing over the PA.

    MotorBoating can be fun..
  12. Half hitch

    Half hitch New Member

    Feb 24, 2024
    more commonly known as "Might Makes Right" guideline
  13. Norseman

    Norseman Senior Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    Ft. Lauderdale
    Must be a new thing, or new attitude..
    The first 20 years I ran the New River, from 1999 it was more relaxed, but not exactly fun and games going down-current in rush hour,
    (Being the clever Skipper I am, it only took me a year or two to go figure out I better go into the current, at night with zero traffic, but then I realized the bridge operators were asleep then and only horns and million lumen search lights would wake ‘em up, if lucky. Single engine sailboat headed for Gulfstream crossings to the Bahamas, or returning, day or night made no difference on 2 - 3 week trips)

    The JQ Captains back then never chewed arse, instead they anticipated newbie boaters and were already at idle speed ready to go full reverse if closing on to Joe Six-Pack around the bend.
    (Not that I was ever one of those newbies of course..:cool:)
    The JQ bridge was 3 stories up and they could see around and above the twists and turns of the river and almost above roofs and palm trees along the shoreline.

    The closest I have even to a crash on the New River was not with the JQ going sideways down-current, but rather with me on Odin Charters, an Albin 28TE, going outbound, with the current, on a pleasure cruise with friends, like 2000 times before and doing the VHF calls, paying attention as usual, etc.
    I heard on the VHF there was 2 incoming boats in the 90-95 foot range.
    I briefly considered waiting before entering the Little Florida S turns, but I said what the hell, I will hug my shore and there shouldn’t be any problem, after all I was in a small boat and could hide between docks and/or back up on a dime..
    In the middle of the Little Florida S turn comes this 95’ Broward or similar mega yacht inbound and sideways pretty much out of control despite the outgoing tidal current on her bow and with less than stellar planning, or dare I say, talent.
    It became evident within a few seconds that we could not pass Port to Port, or rather my Port to the 95’s arse as she was sideways and my only option was to go full reverse and use the bow thruster to angle closer to the seawall on my Starboard, preferably without hitting it using max reverse.
    No fiberglass made contact but I was shook up with a 220 pulse and yelled at the 95’ on channel 9 telling her to get off the F… River if she didn’t know how to drive.
    She replied it was all my fault and she was not out of control at all and besides she had the right of way because she came with the current. (Except she didn’t, she was going into the outgoing tide but got confused and ended up sideways anyways:rolleyes:)

    The JQ was easy and predictable compared to incompetent “Captains” on smaller boats and I never pooped in my pants meeting The Queen anywhere on the River.
    Capt Ralph likes this.
  14. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I'm not saying anything is right and I'm not mighty, but it is fun watching heads come up when that siren sounds off.
    Half hitch likes this.