Hello Anyone- I just purchased a NOS Pro Mariner Pronautic 1260 C3 53560 battery charger. I would like any and all input concerning this unit. I understand it is older but hoping it is a viable option as cost was very cheap. Thanks
Last I checked, ProNautic is ProMariner's current line. ProTech before that. Dunno "NOS". ? We installed a 1260 in our previous boat, worked fine. The remote is useful, although there are a few programming things that can only be done at the main unit. ProMariner tech support is said to be decent. -Chris
Thanks Chris- NOS is reference to new old stock. I was aware the unit was older when I purchased. I will inquire with ProMariner about the remote I think the model number has changed since this unit was made. Thanks again. Gary C.
I have a Pronautic 1260. Not sure about the rest of the numbers you mentioned. Anything in particular you want to know? I'll be on the boat tomorrow and can grab the manual.