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50 retrofit by F&S

Discussion in 'Bertram Yacht' started by Breckster, Feb 18, 2024.

  1. Breckster

    Breckster Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Bay City
    anyone have information on current listing of the 1988 50B retrofited by f&s C12.9.. how does run, cruise numbers etc.. she looks incredible wondering about reason for sale after all the work put into her
  2. CaboFly

    CaboFly Member

    Aug 24, 2018
    I have not heard a lot of good things about the Cat 12.9 engines. It came from a Fiat partnership. F&S does nice work though.
    Breckster likes this.
  3. CWV

    CWV Member

    Mar 17, 2016
    Chesapeake Bay
    I know this boat intimately and was surprised it’s on the market; I sold her about 3 years ago via private sale, having put the first 400 hours on the motors after repower (2020). She stands tall for the price / value and is a head turner at the dock. The B50 is just about the biggest volume 50’ SF you can find as a 3sr 2 head layout.
    About a 3 year refit done at F&S yard in two stages with top quality subs (Costa, palm beach towers, etc…) and countless man hours and strategic planning. Motors have low hours, the boat runs great @ 28-30kn cruise; hull comes alive at ~26kn for good efficiency thanks to veem interceptors adding stern lift and the weight reduction from removing the old piggy 8v92’s. Also weight shift with relocation of new onan genny to engine room where it’ll never become a rust bucket again. I’ve personally seen 37kn on the pins.
    Listed today for a good bit less than half of what was invested in the refits. Although it hasn’t had many hours, the current owner was also OCD about maintenance from what I’ve observed (I get to see it when we are on the Chesapeake). Solid glass hull, legendary bertram ride, and with new systems. Motors likely still under cat warranty; the annoying 12.9’s thermostat issues were fixed back in 2020 and they had been solid since. Tho my knowledge this continues to be a Cruised only boat since 2010-2011.
    Although I’m sure it’s winterized given the location, it’s about as turn key as you can find. If I didn’t already have a B60 I’ve fallen in love with, I’d go buy this 50 back. Great boat. She deserves a good owner and family to go traveling, (ps - she fits under the bridges on the great loop by just dropping the antennas)
    What more do you want to know?
  4. Breckster

    Breckster Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Bay City
    thank you very much for the information.. sitting on the fence; i know the boat is too large for my slip (45’ max) but…. i can always find a larger slip!?!? have owned a 37 Bertram beforehand and most recently a 40 Cabo convert. w/man 800’s (truly what i want back) but i’ve always loved the looks and ride of the Bertram.. i appreciate you insight while i think out loud regarding next boat purchase..
  5. CWV

    CWV Member

    Mar 17, 2016
    Chesapeake Bay
    The ride is amazing. I loved this boat and the memories we created. She was to be ours forever… then our kids grew in size, as has our time aboard each year. The Cabo is a really great boat but the space on the 50 would spoil you by compare.