I now live on the water full time (NC) and would like the forums thoughts on hurricane shutters vs storm “proof” windows. The window people are saying you don’t need Hurricane shutters if you have the new Hurricane windows. I am skeptical. To me the Hurricane shutters would help with driving rain and a debris strike. Any other tips for Hurricane prep would be appreciated as well.
Impact glass is wonderful without the shutters until the neighbor’s house starts coming apart. Hurricane Andrew put a 4 foot 2x4 in our foyer leaving a softball sized hole in a 2” maple front door. Debris is the enemy. Shutters help stem that issue.
If you go with the shutters, buy the "roll up" type, either manual or electric. I have a couple of buds with the removable aluminum panels. They're difficult to store and time consuming to install.
+1 on roll ups, or accordian (though they're ugly) I had galvanized panels on a previous house. They were brutal to put up and take down. Best to have impact windows AND shutters.
If I had to choose, I'd go with impact windows over shutters. With windows, there is NOTHING to do, so if you're out of town you're covered. I have the fold to the side shutters as well on most openings. But I think the impact issue is overblown unless you have a bunch of loose crap in your yard. The impact windows are also much more secure as far as break ins and much quieter than normal windows. Also it doesn't cost much more to go to 7/16" glass over 5/16" and is quieter and insulates better as well as stronger.
By "loose crap" do you mean your neighbor's roofing material as it peels off? Our impact was a neighbor's bay window being ripped apart and deploying a missile...
I like the Metal shutters its simple no worries I don't need to look out the window watching the trees flying around. Just have a stiff drink and pray you make it overnight.  windows it takes one good blast and then all hell breaks loose in the home.
The shutters are great when the power goes out, no light inside the house day or night if the power goes out, which it usually does before the eye gets here. I have both. I leave a few windows unshuttered for that simple reason.
All, thank you for your input. I ended up going with Roll Down Shutters. I got predominantly manual with electric for a set of windows that my wife didn’t want to see the crank apparatus. Seems to be if I buy a spare part for the boat I end up not needing it. Hope it is the same with the shutters, pay for um and end up not needing them.