I’m looking for feedback on 2002 Wellcraft Coastal 400 (handling in open seas, maintenance, etc.). This vessel seems to be a light in weight for it size. Any feed back would be appreciated.
If it's the boat listed by UYS, it looks incredibly clean! I completely forgot Wellcraft made a convertible until your post jogged my memory. I can't speak to the ride or handling on the 400, but Wellcraft's hull designs have always been performance oriented (at least in their CC and go-fast range). Wellcraft's build quality was always production oriented, but I would expect the convertible range to be more robust.
If the boat your looking at is powered by Volvo 74s; Is there a real Volvo Shop close by? Have you or your friends dealt with them before? IMO; your new Volvo Techs are soon to be good friends. You will have to deal well with them and trust each other,, until you get another boat.. If you were looking at a MTU powered boat, I would be typing the same things as above, looking for a trustworthy MTU shop. These boats are not like used Chevys where everybody can work on them. Poor services experiences can reduce your positives in your investment. You will need a real engine surveyor, shop for one now. Maybe from the same shop you will use for service. As for the rest of the boat, never been on a Riviera. I recall they were built in Australia to high standards. Good luck and keep us up on your shopping.
Ralph I think your slightly out of the lane here. The op us inquiring about a Wellcraft Coastal not a Riviera.
Like MBevins, I forgot about the Wellcraft Riviera collaboration. Did a DDG search and found this YF thread on the subject… https://www.yachtforums.com/threads/riviera-aka-wellcraft-40-coastal-review.32563/
Thank you brother. Helps me feel better when my friends help keep me on page or in the lane. Carl did great finding that old thread. Stay safe & well. rc