It would be nice to see this forum use its unique position among the yachting community to catalog and maintain a listing of yards (nationwide), with capabilities, travel lift size, pricing and most importantly customer reviews as a resource to all of us. We as a group would have a great impact on the bread and butter of these yards with our collective voice. We can reward those who offer good work for a fair price as well as illuminate those that gouge and perform substandard service. In that light i am looking for a yard in the south east USA with lift capability of 120 ton and good work at a fair price.....
That is hard to do (yard list). I have watched local 80 & 100 ton yards go from bad to worse with some spastic (micro) improvements on just a good week then the next week continue it's normal spiral (down) Labor bounces around like gypsies. The old TideWater yard in Savannah GA (Hy80 & ICW) would be another good example to this. I would say, tracking fuel cost would be easier (HA).. If you know of a good yard in coastal GA and NE&E FL, Please let us know.
I have no doubt yards have good and bad times. I think that would be addressed easily by when the reviews were written i.e. a good review recently = a good sign, and a bad review from several years ago may not be condemnation. The point being many of us feel at the mercy of various yards when we (as the customer) through this forum can wield a strong voice collectively. This is an opportunity for us to shunt work to the yards that deserve it and avoid yards that do substandard work. Those of us that experience good service at a good price should post positively and those that don't should also post.
As i tried to point out, this changes often. But, this thread is read by many world wide. Anybody have a concern with my comments? Or, as the OP has asked, anything positive?
What’s the definition of good work at a fair price in today’s marine service environment? Due diligence and a top dollar budget can still get good work done. Anything less than that, I wish you luck. I think the shelf life of a review might be pretty short. Lot’s of turnover in boatyard ownership these days. Drastic changes often come with that. Lot’s of long time boomers retiring too. Key employees. It’s just a sign of the times. Anyway, it’s been about 10 years since I used Thunderbolt Marine but if you’re looking for something in coastal GA I would talk to them. Specifically I don’t know what kind of work you want to get done but it’s a place to start.
"Good work for a fair price". I can't imagine wanting anything else. Good work is somewhat subjective. They put in a new cutlass bearing, it looks to be in and the shaft seems to be tight, straight and vibration free. I guess they did a good job. As an example. I recently had some teak decking repair work done. There were a couple caulk seems that seeped after the job after a few rain showers. So, the work was not what many would call good. However, they sent the lead shipwright to investigate. He agreed, they redid the job. It seems good now. Was it a fair price? Well, labor rates are listed or available for most yards. That is not the issue. The issue is man hours billed for said job. That is the area that seems to be hard to get a handle on. This yard is Schooner Creek Boatworks. They, of course, did the teak caulking repair under warranty. They were nothing but professional and courteous. Was the original bill a fair price? I paid it, I would have liked it to be lower and I did get a good customer discount due to previous projects. No help for you in S. East I am afraid.
There you have it! exactly what i am talking about.....a fair assessment of work done at Schooner Creek. Maybe the next yachtsman will read this and say.....uhm...sounds reasonable, i think i will give them a call, and see what they can do for me. Rather than debate the economics of running a yard, the current labor force etc, etc, lets (as a group) share our yard experiences with our fellow yachtsman.
Well, then why don’t you contribute? After my post mentioning Thunderbolt I looked at your prior posts and I see you’ve asked for yard recommendations before - and it appears you previously used Thunderbolt. Evidently you don’t care to go back. So let’s hear from you. Why not some give to go along with the take?
Well now that you mention it, i will happily contribute. I should preface that I think we need to keep negative posts respectful and accurate, not infused with spite, but geared toward what you would tell a fellow boater to save them from an unpleasant experience. In that light, quite simply i will not ever go back to thunderbolt after my pre buy inspection experience there that should have cost around 5-7k and ended up costing near 26k. This is a shame, since i have about 50k worth of upcoming yard work and Thunderbolt is not even on my list of yards to be considered after being mishandled previously. I will give the cliff note version and leave the rest to the reader to judge the validity. When i was doing the pre buy of the boat u see in my avatar, i hired a crew to take the boat down to thunderbolt for haul out and inspection. It should have been a 3 day affair . 1500 for a captain mate + fuel. Survey about 3000, haul out ~ 2k = 6.5k. reasonable and expected expense in the boat buying process. Thunderbolt's travel lift broke, when we got there (add two days), fixed then found they couldn't lift my boat because the straps were two old (add two more days), said they could do the synchro lift instead (add 7k to haul out fee for use of synchro lift), captain & mate needed to get home for another commitment. air fare etc. boat stays ~ 2wks (add overnite dock fees), survey has to be re-coordinated to another day (more fees), then eventually the survey and travel back all told 26k. To add spite to the misery, got a call from thunderbolt a few weeks later saying the forgot to charge me 50 dollars for some silly incidental fee and i said go jump in the lake. What i believe they should have done, was to eat the cost of the synchro lift since it was they who could not use their travel lift to do the job not once but twice. This caused massive delays and of course drove the cost of the pre buy to 26k all told. It was a good thing that i had my heart set on that boat, or I would likely decided that yachts were not for me. There are many arguments that could be made, such that it was out of their hands when equipment breaks etc etc etc. But if you give a little Customer Service and maybe even eat a little cost now, you will likely get double that cost back in later work from that same "now satisfied" customer. I have a more positive review of Jarrat Bay (safe harbor, I know bad word) and could post some valuable tricks i learned the hard way at Jarrat Bay if anyone cares to listen.
If you had an appointment and then thunderbolt had these issues, IMO; thunderbolt should have been embarrassed and leaking all over themselves getting you up quickly, including use of the synchro lift. Customer service and first impressions are important when looking to the future. Carl has the disk space, please type away.
It’s really tough to get a good yard experience at a fair price. One of the best experiences was Viking service center in riviera beach back in 2017 - 2019. While I’ve never seen a bill escalate so rapidly, they did really good work and were on task. I have had too many lack-luster experiences to share and now tend to GC or do my own work for the past several years. One recent experience involved planning out a mezzanine job with estimates that came out 3x higher than what one would deem fair and reasonable. When I asked for a breakdown face to face with the yard owner which included labor hours and rates, he obliged and our math was in sync. But he kept pushing me “I need you to get comfort able with $X for this project” (3X); he couldn’t explain or justify the multiple other than “we have a nice benefits plan” (to which I heard “profit”). I won’t name them because they didn’t do the work, I just knew I was setting myself up to get scalped and walked with my wallet.
Thanks Judy, I think the point here is not too slam and bad mouth yards, but report yard experiences indifferently and let the readers make the judgement for themselves as to whether they would consider yard "A" over yard "B" My experience in Jarrett Bay (safe harbor), was completely different. They have a 100ton, 200ton and 300ton travel lift that can accomodate most everyone. Their haul out crew the best i have ever seen, professional, courteous, and most importanlty experienced. They made it looked easy, hauled you when they said they would and set you down like you were on your mommas lap with a clean bottom. The interesting thing about Jarrat Bay, is that the "yard" (safe harbor = expensive but good work) is that Jarrett Bay is several yards combined into one. Also many independent contractors have their own shop and contract out to safe harbor. The point here, is that one can do a little research (google maps etc) and find the yards next to Jarrett Bay, that may be less expensive and have travel lift support from Jarrett Bay. Same with the contractors that you may need to do specialized work. I am told this is an ongoing conflict as safe harbor wants to put a lock on the work conducted out of jarrett bay, but as of yet still an option. Or, you can use the Jarrett Bay Safe Harbor project managers (mine was Donnie Lee) who are both knowledgable and professional. But if you want to save some money by doing the general contracting yourself with your own relationships with the contractors co-located at jarrett bay that is an option as well. I found this to be a big savings and ended up doing a little of both (letting my project manager coordinate some work and contracting some of the work myself). All in all I have to give two thumbs up to Jarrett Bay with this recommendation alone: "they came in under budget (not by much), but still under budget!" I give Donnie Lee the credit for that and therefore would put my vote as recommending Jarrett Bay as a yard i would return too. Sadly, they could not accommodate me for several months and i have to look elsewhere.
Unless the ownership changes, I would think the customer experience would be fairly consistent in a given yard. In my construction business, we've lost lots of good people over the years (not surprising in 30-plus years), including the founder of the company (my father) but we've managed to uphold his standards of quality and fair treatment of customers. I truly believe that the leopard cannot change his spots, for good or bad. The challenge in the past three years, given the ridiculous amount of money floating around and the resulting surplus of yard work, is to maintain your standards even when you know there are five customers waiting for every one you've scheduled. As far as recommendations, Bock Marine, just up Core Creek from Jarrett Bay, is a family-run outfit that provides good service at reasonable prices.
I’d love to hear opinions about Stuart and Ft Pierce area yards. I’ve got fiberglass and other work I need to get done and I’m considering AJ’s and Willis custom yachts. Haven’t talked to anyone who has used either. Thinking through the pros and cons of using a small yard vs a custom bazillion dollar boat builder… My experiences on the east coast in brief (TL;DR, not much experience with full service yards) - Herrington Harbor (deale, MD). Family owned, impeccable grounds, I dare say simply the finest marina(s) on the east coast and their yard is excellent - clean, well maintained, efficient, and responsive. That said all work beyond bottom jobs and haul out is via contractor (on-site or off). They have some good contractors there but not really a heavy duty diesel shop if I recall. Jim Weaver finishes and launches his boats there and I’ve heard they’ll take on some refit projects when they have time. Scorpion Marine (cape canaveral fl) - not the greatest but they have the only large well/lift at the cape. Equipment isn’t very well maintained. Service is a bit rough around the edges. Not a lot they do in house. ok in a pinch but not a place you’d go for a refit. Cracker Boy (riviera beach) - really friendly and helpful DIY yard. Very crowded and they really want you to get in and out. When I was there, my boat got covered in rust from the yard next door sandblasting a ship. But they accommodated me when I really needed it even though they were super busy and I feel like that’s the sign of a great place. Apex (Stuart Fl) - small yard, not much room. More a short haul/survey type place. I had some mechanical stuff done there and they did fine but I wouldn’t seek them out. marathon yacht yard (marathon fl) - these guys were pretty good. Used them twice, once for my 58 Viking and once for my 38’ Bertram. They did a bunch of work for me, communication was excellent, and, shockingly, the work was completed exactly when they said it would be even though they encountered some hiccups. Both times I used them I was in a pinch and they worked me right in. Not cheap but not any more expensive than anywhere else. Which is surprising given that they are in the keys. There were a couple of things that weren’t done quite right but if I’d had time to circle back I know they would have stood by their work and fixed it. I’d use them again.
Cracker Boy (riviera beach) - really friendly and helpful DIY yard. Very crowded and they really want you to get in and out. When I was there, my boat got covered in rust from the yard next door sandblasting a ship. But they accommodated me when I really needed it even though they were super busy and I feel like that’s the sign of a great place. There is no other yard next door to Cracker Boy, so the sandblasting was likely in Cracker Boy. They are not known for their cleanliness.
Oh well there was a large ship in between us and the cruise terminal being worked on. In any case I don’t disagree cleanliness wasn’t their strong suit
I recently read an unfavorable Crackerboy review in another forum, long time good employee gone, cutless bearing replacements improperly installed by a different guy, drama and grief. No first-hand knowledge. -Chris
About 7 years ago I worked with A&J a number of times and was very satisfied with them. Provided the management is the same I would gladly work with them again. I believe the GM’s name was Steve Chalzar. I have worked with River Forest extensively and have been pleased with them. Willis just bought the old American Custom yard. I would want to hear of some first hand experiences before recommending them.