The boat has 6-71s with 4900 hours. Before purchasing in December I had an engine surveyor, Ron Doerr, check them out, who was pretty thorough. He did recommend a tune up when I got home, and I do have a good mechanic here. They ran good all the way. I did have to use the block heaters for the first time after Norfolk. The engine block was 57 degrees and they would barely turn over. We did 10.5 knots usually, at 1500. At 1700 it just digs a hole and runs 12 knots. At 1900 we could do 14 knots. Wide open which is supposed to be 2500 was 17 knots. The gauges aren't accurate and the tach reads under at the top end. On the survey the actual top end was 2465/2475. The boat is supposed to go 20 knots wide open. The 4 blade props have been checked out twice. A previous owner told me he ran 18 knots at 2000 rpm. Something is not right, but I will see if it improves after the tune-up. The tune up will be the first thing along with a list of other repairs like window leaks, GFI outlet tripping, and on and on. It's an old boat and not much was done in the last 2 years. The rattle isn't going to be easy, but I will keep asking knowledgeable people for help figuring out. The last diver suggested replacing the cutlass bearings. They were not bad but the starboard side prop spun too freely in his opinion. All of the cutlass bearings were replaced in January 2019. A couple people have mentioned an exhaust rattle, and there may be some growth or obstruction inside the exhaust tube. Then there is an issue of a small crack on the port stern, I've narrowed it down to under the exhaust tube. By the water stains it's been there a long time. Water trickles in only at speed and usually with rough conditions. The swim platform bracket is about 8" away and I theorize that the pressure from the waves stress that area enough to let it leak. The platform got new struts/stanchions 2 years ago so I'm guessing the previous owner backed into something. If possible, I'll wait to the end of the season to do the cutlass bearings and the leak, but a lot could happen in the next 6 months.
I am the owner of a 1983 46 Sunliner. Nice boat, very rough right now, but at least she is becoming a boat and not a docked condo. My world is Buena Ventura Life on YouTube.
Have you checked to make sure the trim tabs work? You probably need full trim tabs to get her up on plane and out of the hole. 10.5 kts on a boat that size will cost you big time. Your hull speed is probably 9.0 to 9.1 kts.
Good point, I didn't use the trim tabs because they don't do much, but it might have helped a little. I will be updating them next winter.
Different boats obviously but when I repowered my 53 Hatt MY I upgraded the trim tabs to 54”x12”. Big difference. It really helps the boat pop up on plane. Bennett recommends 1” of trim tabs for every foot of LOA
I realize this thread is a couple of years old, but as I have recently acquired a 1989 53 Ocean Yachts MY I am in search of information. I have sent several e-mails to the present owner of the build yard but have not received a single word. Anybody still reading this thread?