I've have no experience with Altima Yachts. If anyone would share any experience or info it would be sincerely appreciated. More specifically, were looking at the pilothouse 55, but anything regarding the companies build quality would be helpful. Cheers
Happy new year Mrs Judy . Lookin to buy a 55 Altima. I know little about the brand and have not been able to find a current or past owner to share their opinion / experience. The only info I find is the manufacturer literature and magazines paid for reviews. Thank you for your help in advance. a_
The only place I know of where 100% objective reviews are written is YachtForums. I haven't been involved with Altima in many years and have lost contact with all of the old owners. Sorry.
Thank you very much for your prompt response . Wished my CPA would reply that fast. The vessel is of 2004 vintage, does your Altima experience go back that far?
Yes, but my computer doesn't, so I don't have any old records. If you have specific questions, maybe send a PM.