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Unknown outboard powered sportfish

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by motoryachtlover, Jan 2, 2024.

  1. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    Saw this one at Palm Beach Gardens. No badging so I don’t know who made it. At a casual glance looked well made. I am not an avid fisherman so don’t know how the OBs affects fishing. Is this the future of smaller sportfishes? To me beats the hell out of a similiar sized center console.

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  2. MBY

    MBY Senior Member

    Dec 17, 2009
    Newport Beach, CA
    Thats an Xcelerator 45 made by Joel Kauffman and was launched last year.
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  3. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    You'll have Tuna Tartare trying to land the fish on the back of the boat, along with no transom fish door...Put some diesel inboards in that thing, plus you'll have a safer more sea worthy vessel.
  4. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    Probably more comfortable then a CC but I certainly would not want anything between an angler and a large fish.
  5. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I've been out on outboard fish boats before.
    The captain/operator is the key.
    When the fish is close, he (she) keeps the beam (not transom) on the fish.

    So in this boat model, the deck house sides come back to help keep spray out of the cockpit, but ruins the fish-ability on the beam.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    Really depends what kind of fishing you are doing. For general reel in stuff shouldn’t be a problem to bring a fish alongside most times. But I don’t know how well it would work if you have to back down on a bigger billfish or tuna?
  7. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Backing down on a Big-Un, I don't have any experience with; But, I can imagine chasing a monster down forward at an angle may be an idea.
    Again, on this boat above, that deck house trim bulkhead will be a hinder using that theory.

    It is a good looking boat. I fear, not a great fishing boat for a few reasons. Probably just fair/good for coastal kings & mahi-mahi.

    A new 42 from this builder is near $1.6 meg. https://www.**************/yacht/2023-xcelerator-boatworks-express-8631028/

    I would be poorly guessing what this 45 would cost ($2m?).

    IMO, that is to much money just for a fair/good fishing boat, no matter how fast - well it rides.

    At 45' (LOA?), I'd still prefer my ole 44 Striker.

    I wish somebody could talk to the owner and ask him(her) how well da boat does fish and how they manage hooking a Big-Un.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2024
  8. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    Striker..... Them's were the good ole days. Something about her attracted Marlin.

    Captain Ron (me)
    Captain Ron.jpg
    Second Place Blue.jpg
    chesapeake46 and Capt Ralph like this.
  9. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    I do agree fishing can be tough on that rig. Outboards don't create as clean of a wake as diesels. Even with bow thruster, don't think it will spin around as much as a typical sportfish. Imo, it's like the worst part of both options. Regular diesel sportfish can maneuver very well, back down well, etc, but you can't walk around to the bow easilly. The main advantage of outboard CC's is the ability to walk around which this rig doesn't have.
  10. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    As I have no experience with sportfish type yachts, I have a question. Would a sportfish yacht with dual Volvo IPS make sence?
  11. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    There are only a few sportfish with IPS drives. Most don't like them on these boats due to maintenance issues, and the fact that when we are out in big seas, they don't perform as well in following seas. Not enough horsepower to get over the hump.
  12. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    So, what is a good power to weight ratio of a perfect sportfish yacht?
  13. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    Buddy in the boat business has told me they require a large amount of maintenance so that drove away my interest after reading a report of one who repowered his 38 Bertram and included them.
    wiredup likes this.
  14. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    Depends how fast you want to go, lol. My boat weighs 94k pounds and I have twin 1950hp MTU's. Perfect for me, but burns a lot of fuel. Speed is important for me. Others want economy, so smaller engines, or lighter "wood" boats.
  15. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    Your post reminded me when looking through a book Jimmy Buffett had written, my then girlfriend was reading, where he wrote about searching to buy the perfect airplane which he he eventually did. Not long after he talked about, crashing the perfect airplane and I thought if it was so perfect it would not have crashed. My previous spt. fish was 26,000. lbs. with 800 hp. Current one is 44,000 with 1640 hp. but as I believe most of us know there's a lot more to the so called perfect boat then power to weight ratio. Perhaps, "perfect to me," would be a better thought.
  16. HTMO9

    HTMO9 Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    I was only asking for the power to weight ratio, because member wiredup wrote, an IPS sportfish would not have enough power to get over the hump. Meanwhile, I have found some sportfish yachts with IPS propulsion and I think, Spencer for example, is a pretty well kown boat builder for sportfish type boats in the US.

    A 70 ft+ sportfish with tripple IPS 1350 with shaft extension under the low aft cockpit would do the job easily. The maintenance and maybe the quality problems, You have with VOLVO PENTA in the US of A is different story.

  17. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    I would not personally walk from ANY vessel with those drives, I would RUN. Not long ago there was news and some YouTube video's of a 92 ft. Viking that washed up on a S. Florida beach after all power was lost. Evidently there was very little damage other then bent rudders. Imagine the extent of the damage, had there been drives sticking down several feet from the bottom.
  18. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    I understand the Merc and Volvo pods are suppose to break off when needed.
    Stories of the pods recovered and re-installed.
    Did the Mercury pods go away?

    IMO; there is nothing more simple, solid, reliable, maintenance tolerable and owner serviceable than inboard shafts.
    For what inefficiencies it has in prop angle and underwater drag,, it is still cheaper than an IPS install,,,, a life time later.
    IPS and Zeuse pods are gizmos for the kids and bad boat operators.
    Further IMO; They also are boat design cheaters.

    Please don't confuse these recreational pods with the real commercial models.
    Whole different world and those work.

    These big HP outboards offer modern and lots (LOTS) of HP. Want to go faster, just bolt on another outboard.
    I finally figured why these multi (many) outboard boats are getting wild long; Need more weight forward of the transom to hold the bow down.
    More bimbettes forward helps also.
  19. incoming

    incoming Member

    Jan 14, 2021
    Cocoa Beach, FL
    Captain Ralph’s observations on fishability are spot on. Center consoles and walkaround expresses are great matches for outboards. With a large deck house and when the cockpit is all you have to fish from it changes the equation big time. Weight distribution is another factor - I’m guessing the designers on that sportie had to work really hard to offset the cg impact of having a big deckhouse and flybridge but no weight of big diesels in the bilge to balance it out.

    The big attraction with outboards is how easy they are to swap out - which I grant is a huge advantage. But it’s also a liability these days - more and more outboards are being stolen off boats in the Bahamas in particular. A friends family member had low hour triple 350’s stolen off his boat recently in the abacos. Ouch.

    Then there’s the issue of having gasoline on the boat vs diesel - flammability, carbon monoxide (less an issue with outboards usually), and storage issues.

    As for IPS - seem like a solution in search of a problem. Slightly lower fuel burn more than offset by maintenance costs, complexity (things to break) and the other liabilities mentioned. Maneuverability? If you can’t dock a 45’ with properly sized and propped twin diesels you should hire a captain while you get some experience. I’ll admit bow thrusters are a nice luxury when someone is up front trying to grab the bowline off a piling. But “crutches” like joysticks and IPS are IMO getting people into operating way more boat than they are capable of operating safely.
  20. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    It depends. Pod boats are 30% more fuel efficient give/take. The most direct comparison was the 40' Cabo. With 600HP zues it was faster than 800hp MAN/SHafts 33-34 knots versus 32 knots 80% load, and fuel burn was 45gph versus 62 gph. BIG difference if you're doing a lot of running. A lot more room in engine room for equipment or more interior room, smooth, no smoke/smell, vibration etc. Maneuverability in any direction is unparalleled by anything else. The downside was more maintenance.

    But I've seen similar fuel consumption on many. A 52' Sunseeker manhattan cruises at 20 knots/52 gph with D11's. The 60' Predator 27 knots at 52 gph with D11's and pods. Granted ones a shorter FB, the other a longer express, weight should be similar.