Does anyone have feedback on Grand Harbour 58’, 2002 model. Any information would be appreciated. thanks
I found this 2002 57' that sold in TN after 3 years on the market. 3196TA Cats, stabilized and sold for 260,000.+/-.
If this is the boat a search shows Pickwick Yacht Brokers had her listed. 1422 Days on the market Listed Date: April 18, 2016 Sold Date: March 10, 2020 Listed Price: $399,900 Sold Price: $284,000
Thanks for the info. There is a 2002 model in the FL panhandle that needs a little work, asking $325k. For the things it needs done and not having seen it in person I feel it will be in the upper 200’s as well at best. But I know nothing about the brand and model, and hoping some folks here have experience on the boat to share with me. Would love to hear about the strengths and weaknesses, how is it in beam seas, etc. Also I see conflicting info on its specs. Some sites say 14’ beam which I would think too narrow, some sites say 16’ beam which would be to my liking as example.
Every 57 I found was showing 16' beam. The Symbol 54-58 models of the same era were 16'7". Symbol went to 17'6 beam a few years later. The boat in the pan handle is likely the same boat that sold in 2020 shown above. The photos so not reflect a boat that has been cared for, updated and loved. From the old (original) electronics, water stains on the galley floor... makes me suspicious of the Cat aftercoolers, fuel coolers, oil coolers... stabilizer seals, batteries age.... Commissioning and updating, I would budget $65,000. Beam sea will be fine with the stabilizers working as designed. Otherwise go home
It definitely needs love. I asked the selling broker about it a few weeks ago and got the run around answer of the owner has done maintenance which to me meant no 1000 hour done, and stabilizers are not currently working so that needs addressed as well. The old electronics as you mentioned. And when I said something to the broker about getting the 1000 hour services done he had smart ass reply about getting it done and raising the selling price to cover it. And after his reply I told him his boat will sit on the market for trying to charge buyer for routine maintenance the seller should have been doing. And so it still sits. I almost went to look at the boat but with the brokers attitude I was not excited to drive 11 hours round trip for a look. The water stain on the floor my guess was a leak from fridge and the floor would require sanding and refinishing to get that looking right which could be a big job. I feel assuming nothing else big deal wrong and having to do the 1000 services and such at best the boat would be worth around $250k as is, and was hoping someone here had experience in owning and operating one to give feedback. How did you find the ad for the listing in TN? I tried Google search for anything on the model but could not find it.
Don't let the broker ruin the process. Just because your server is an idiot does not mean the food is not great. The broker is responsible for submitting all offers to the seller. 3196 1000 hour service is $30K if she needs new after cooler cores. Go by the cat manual for the list of required maintenance. Start with oil samples before you spend $3K on an engine survey. The galley floor and electronics are easy. The tanks, exhaust, running gear, steering... are not. This is a boat you will have trouble selling unless you spend big bucks on her. She does appear to be a lot of boat for the $$. 22 years old though. I prefer to deal with boats that have changed hands every 3 years. Every survey and sale they get upgraded and findings addressed assuming the surveys were comprehensive.
PM me your email and i will send you a link to the sold listing. I am a broker. Looking over the sold boat file photos, she is the same boat, ex: Illusions.