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Bennett Self Leveling Tabs

Discussion in 'Stabs, Tabs & Gyros' started by Thisisit, Nov 27, 2023.

  1. Thisisit

    Thisisit Member

    Aug 20, 2004
    Midland, Ontario, Canada
    Looking for info on these tabs.

    We have a Key West 170 that we use as a day boat (not a tender). It's equipped with a 90HP Yamaha 4-stroke. The hole shot is no problem. It gets up and out on half throttle, and in no time at all. The issue is that the boat lists to port while on plane just enough to make it aggravating...maybe 5 degrees or so.

    I've been considering installing a pair of Bennett SLT10 self leveling tabs. They're recommended for boats 16 to 20 feet. Bennett Support suggested this would work for me. The smaller self-leveling tabs (SLT6) are recommended for smaller tenders.

    The SLT10 has a 90 pound spring. The SLT6 has a 60 pounder. I kind of think that a 90 pound spring would keep both tabs continually attacking. That's not what I'm looking for and I don't want to start fighting the tab with engine trim and throttle just to keep the bow up while cruising. I don't have the appetite to spend a lot on an adjustable set but I would like to address the listing issue.
    Also, are these tabs problematic while reversing?
    I'm wondering if anyone has had experience with these Bennett tabs and can share their thoughts.
  2. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    I have them on my 13’ AB rigid bottom inflatable. They are not an issue while in reverse. I can’t remember what model i have on mine so can’t help you on what pound spring will be right for you. I have a 23 Everglades that has a similar irritating list that needed tab to correct. I believe it is related to the rotation of the propellor. Good luck
  3. Thisisit

    Thisisit Member

    Aug 20, 2004
    Midland, Ontario, Canada
    Oh it's definitely the torque causing the list. I'm hoping to get more input before TIBS so I can make an informed decision prior to purchase.
    I assume you have them on the RIB for the holeshot? Do they "relax" once on plane or are they continually dragging a bit?
  4. motoryachtlover

    motoryachtlover Senior Member

    Jan 29, 2007
    smithfield, VA
    I got them for porpoising. I would say they don't relax.
  5. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Not first hand, but during my years of lake boating I came across a few chaps who tried them, only to throw them away shortly afterwards.
    The problem with small single screw boats is that there are several reasons that can make them list either side, on top of prop torque.
    So, if it's a fixed correction that you are after, you don't need to waste any money with those Bennett toys, because you can achieve the same result by shifting the o/b position slightly stbd of the centreline, and/or moving a bit of weight onboard to stbd.
    Trouble is, all you would get is a static adjustment (as well as you would with those SLT things, mind!), which leaves you with a boat that still lists either side depending on load, crosswind, and waves.
    Imho, it's much better to bite the bullet and spend more for proper trim tabs or zipwakes, which allows you to run flat in all conditions - also automatically, if you wish.