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Looking for insight on Princess 62 and 65

Discussion in 'Princess Yacht' started by CSWO, Nov 14, 2023.

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  1. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Point taken.
    He did mention flybridge, and also the F62, but for some reason I didn't notice his other reference to the S65, which indeed is somewhat similar to the 65 Sport Yacht.
    'Fiuaskme, I wouldn't touch that type of boats with a bargepole, and I wouldn't even think of them when talking of flybridge boats, but each to their own.
    If nothing else, at least the Princess doesn't run on IPS... :)
  2. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Because you're too busy looking for a grain of rice to argue about, instead of looking at the entire bag of it. Most Sunseekers have shafts, very few have IPS.
  3. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    We are all busy with our pet peeves, CJ.
    Your Sunseeker recommendations to everyone and their dog, regardless of actual wishes/needs, sounds like a broken record... :D
  4. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    The 65 Sport Yacht and Predator is only offered with IPS (twin D13 900 or 1000hp IPS1200 or 1350), and it will be the same with the upcoming 55 SY and Predator, which are based on the new 55 Superhawk hull.

    Yes at some point Sunseeker would offer both propulsions in its fifty to seventy foot models (57/64 Predator, 52/55 Manhattan, 63/65/66/68 Manhattan), but in the new models this seems to be changing.

    I think it is a let down, though they are not the only builder doing this. Princess have kept the IPS for up to fifty foot so far.

    I honestly do not know the reliability of these big IPS, though a lot of builders seems jumping on them, in the 65 to 80 feet bracket.
  5. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    The Sunseeker is the most equivalent boat to a Princess, they're even made in the same country. They build a good boat and a great sea boat and a better boat. I have run both brands extensively with thousands of nautical miles in various sizes of each brand. The Sunseeker is a far superior boat to the Princess. When running at cruise in a 52'-75' Princess in 3-4 seas, the cabin doors become unlatched and start slamming open and shut, because the hull is flexing so much. You can sit there and watch the walls move away from the door, among many other things. I ran a 62' Princess from the Panama Canal to the United States. A 55' all over the Bahamas on multiple trips for the U.S., a 52' Sunseeker from Ft. Lauderdale to Chicago (up the Mississippi river). A 66' Sunseeker FL to Guatamala and back, all over the Bahamas. A 76' Ft. Laud to Nantucket and back. When you run a brand new Princess for a week trip with the owners, you will have a 20-30 item punch list of items that need to be fixed. I speak from experience and not an arm chair quarterback who has little experience on a multitude of brands. I do 12,000 NM's of deliveries or more on all different brands of boats and have consistently every single year since 2003.

    The thing you are failing to remember is what is popular in your neck of the woods, is not here. There are several Euro brands that are popular, maybe a dozen total, and also a serious lack of parts and service with some of them, which whether or not a good boat, makes them very undesirable. How would you like to wait 2 months for a freshwater pump, because the dealer doesn't stock any, so you can't use your boat because you have no showers, sinks, or toilets? Princesses warranty support in the U.S. is top notch, I will give them that.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2023
  6. johnnry

    johnnry Member

    Jan 21, 2017
    Babylon ny
    hello, so all valid points to weigh I ended up with the V-65 2009 due to the configuration .I was concerned about the rock and roll ,and up there and it is definitely a factor..its not your viking..I think i remember princess transitioning to some sort of balsa composite core below the waterline sometime in those years
    ( under lvmh management)..I would definitely look into that as another deciding factor.. on the new boats ,captain Jay has very valid points as far as detail on the build..Facebook is full of complaints
  7. wiredup

    wiredup Member

    Jul 20, 2016
    va beach
    Let me know what you end up with. I have a 62' Viking right now, but eventually will get out of offshore fishing, and will be looking for a cruising boat as well. GLWS
    CSWO likes this.
  8. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    That is called the V65 mk.II. A nice boat, to be fair. It uses the same hull as the first generation V65, but cog was moved further aft, to include a larger midships cabin.
    And thank god for that as the first generation V65 was a submarine in the making. It ran like a submarine.

    Older generation Princess (before resin infusion) tend to have less of the flexing CJ is talking about. Though I admit I did encountered what he said on a couple of SS Predator's 64.

    Onwards from 2010/11 they transitioned to resin infusion with new model jumping on that build Diab core not balsa (as far as I know) the hull is single skin.
    Coring used above the waterline. Recent builds are also build in transparent gel for hull to spot any resin starved areas (the problem with resin infusion).
  9. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    Yawn, and aren't you tired yet?
    I mean, of reminding us all, as if that alone would make everything you say automatically correct?
    Remember, Schettino had more miles under his belt than you'll ever have... :rolleyes:
  10. leeky

    leeky Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    Not in yachts.:rolleyes:
  11. CSWO

    CSWO New Member

    Jul 14, 2021
    North Carolina
    Thanks for the additional thoughts and comments. To clarify, I toured the Magellano 66 and the headroom doesn’t work for me. I also have two different friends who are pretty negative on Azimut (they have run them as part time captains) as a brand in terms of quality, which is also a negative for me. The S65 I was looking at has some issues, so that one is out and we’re looking for a newer S66. To clarify a couple other posts, I definitely want a flybridge boat, although ok with the smaller space on the sport bridge boats. I came across a Ferretti 670 which seems to have the minimum headroom I’m looking for (based on measurements from the broker). Any thoughts of Ferretti ride and quality relative to the Princess boats I’ve mentioned?
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