I've tried this post on the general board but realize it was now not posted where is should be, here. We, my wife and two daughters (ages 3 and 5), are finally coming back to boating after a five year hiatus since we sold our Sea Ray Sundancer in Florida, moved and started a family in Europe. Now that both girls can swim and seem to have a passion for the water we are ready to get back into it and start cruising ,or slip sailing, a few nights a week like we did before we started a family. In the US we ran American built boats but now that we are in Europe we are excited to indulge in a English built Princess from the 2004-2007 era and ready, willing and able to be hands on owners like we were used to doing with our previous boats. This next boat will be my 11th vessel since childhood and this has been the longest time spent in my lifetime without a boat... needless to say we are chomping at the bit to get on the water as soon as possible but also want to do it right. I am struggling to find resources online that have parts diagrams, part numbers and other general information for Princess Yachts that I was very used to accessing easily with the Sea Ray and Regal boats we have owned prior to this transition to an English built boat. It was very easy to find basic items such as latches, hinges, vents, switches, portholes and other small bits all the way to more complex needs such as molded transom doors through resources like FP Marine (fpmarine.com), Westmarine and BOW (Boat Owners Warehouse) in the US as well as the manufacturer directly. As I walk the docks here and see the Princess, Fairline, Sealine and Sunseeker brands dominating the Costa Del Sol port population I'm convinced we are just not looking in the right places online, google has not been helpful either. There must be resources we are unaware of and docktails are on us if you could please assist. Again, I am grateful to be accepted to your community and look forward to any help and advice we can get from your seasoned experiences to start getting punchlists together that will help us budget for the next family boat. Cheers!
hello so had a 34 Sundancer as well..no competing with searay parts system..they were number 1..have a 2009 princess now..I can tell you the parts dept there is run by a great guys..they email back,follow through ,ita a good experience,however,you do typically have to email with pic or specific description...in the end ,they typically have and sell you directly..love the quality of that era princess's..stretch for 2007 and up if u can