First Trip Made my first trip up the Welland Canal today on Lady Caroline 119' Dinner boat I took her down canal in 2013 she came from Chicago (Aqua Azul) and went to New York City. She was now purchased by a company in Cleveland Ohio and renamed Lady Caroline. I have a nice picture to show but file to big
Last few days they have loaded 15 yachts on the Sedna Desgagnes in Fort Lauderdale 8 on deck and 7 in the hole. She is bound for Sarnia Ontario to unload. This is the largest load of private yachts to the Great Lakes ever.
A lot of these boats are to tall for Erie Canal so they have to come the long way Halifax Montreal and this adds 1600 miles to their trip
Yachts Welland Canal There will no yachts through Welland Canal unit Friday FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Welland Canal Affected by Power Outage JULY 10, 2023 Cornwall, Ontario (July 10, 2023) –The Welland Canal Section of the St. Lawrence Seaway experienced a power outage at 17:50 on July 9th, 2023. The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) took immediate steps to ensure the safety of the public, personnel, vessels, infrastructure and the environment. Preliminary assessments have determined that as a result of the power outage, Hands-FreeMooring equipment was damaged in Lock 7 and Lock 1. Recovery operations are proceeding. Updates regarding the resumption of marine traffic will be provided when available. The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation was established in 1998 as a not-for-profit corporation by the Government of Canada, Seaway users and other key stakeholders. In accordance with provisions of the Canada Marine Act, the Corporation manages and operates the Canadian assets of the St. Lawrence Seaway. Since the St. Lawrence Seaway’s inception in 1959, 3 billion tonnes of cargo has been transported via the waterway. For more information concerning the Seaway, please visit -30- For more information: Samuel Pane Officer, Government and Community Relations 289 808 4896 The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation
Took M/Y Evelyn down the canal this week 95' Intermarine Her old name was Lukousarus and has been in the Great Lakes since 2014 The new owner is taking down Erie Canal to Stuart Florida for some work then the Islands for the winter then will be shipped to Vancouver They spent two days getting her air draft down to 21' for the Erie Canal. If they could not get her air draft down they would had to go out the Seaway to Halifax which would make the trip 1600 miles longer. First picture is in Port Dalhousie after out trip down the Welland Canal Second picture is stripped down for her trip down Erie Canal Third picture is going under a bridge
Another new one Her name on AIS is LC25 she left ship yard in Marinette Wisconsin the other day was in Detroit yesterday. I see she has gone in to Cleveland Ohio as the St Lawrence Seaway is going on strike as of midnight Saturday night and no ship traffic is allowed after 10 am Saturday in order to clear ships out of canal locks and then they will start to lower water levels in canal.
We went up river on the tender earlier this summer and saw this and two others. Later in the season on my commute I sat next to one of the sailors on a flight from O’Hare to Green Bay a few days before they left, impressive ship from the view on the water.
Fort Lauderdale to Sarnia Ontario They shipped ten yachts this year to Great Lakes They are all American Private Yachts