Hello; I’m looking for the plastic cover for Electr/afloat interior lights Pacemaker and Ocean Yachts used in the 1970/1980s . Does any one have any ? That you might want to sell?
Found five nice covers from two derelict boats, with permission from the yard owner, got two from an old 36’ Pacemaker and three from an old Ocean Yachts 40’ . I like these old lights. I like the 12 v/115v light option and the light they give off. I’m still not a fan of the LED white light. So I’m happy ! Kind of a big find.
No everything is gone. All mechanicals including motors generator props struts shafts ...etc. Ocean Yachts emblem gone. I got the last worth while thing. She’s been abandoned for a number of years.
Yes. I would sell one clean one. Two more with brown/burn marks center where the light bulb is. The two have a small hole at the burn spot. Private message me your info. I'm leaving town tomorrow early for two weeks. It will have to wait till then.
I have 4 or 5 of them that are in very good condition I would be happy to give to anyone that needs them
Thanks for the heads up and offering . I’ve acquired a few since last posting this so I don’t need any but I’m sure someone out there could use them. Nice using LED bulbs they don’t get hot like the old style bulbs would and brown spot/ burn the plastic cover when left on to long.
Hello Bigsplash I'm in need of three light covers if you still have them. I have a '74 Pacemaker 40MY. Thanks
Hi all, I'm looking for 5 similar light covers - they don't have the screw holes. On a 1973 36' Pacemaker