I presume this is as bad as I think it is. Went to boat this am to have an office day on the boat and when I went to turn on AC breaker it tripped my main shore power breaker and I had to reset at the dock. Came back and tested all other breakers with no issue. Turn on AC Pump and trips main again. Pump is an original Oberdorfer with manf date of 2006. I don't mind replacing a pump after this many years but the fact that it is buried between all my other Dometic units is gonna make this a real PIA. I also just had my hvac guy recharge my two smaller units 2 months ago. I already made my offseason punch list and this was not on it. This is gonna def snowball I can already tell that much.
When you say “turn on the AC breaker” do you have only one breaker for the entire system or have a separate breaker for the pump and each air con unit? does your pump run at all times or does it only come on when a compressor comes on? reason I m asking is that there is usually a delay between the when an air con breaker is turned on and when the unit calls for the pump to start. So if the pump breaker trips right away, the problem could be with the relay box so before replacing the pump you may want to disconnect it and see if the breaker still trips. that said if the pump is actually 17 years old, it would be a record. The oberdorfers usually fail every few years from impeller or head erosion you may want to relocate the new pump to a better location
Yeah. I know your right. Don't mind doing so but the tear down to get there is gonna suck and that will lead to a lot of other "opportunities."
The pump operates all 3 of my units. Yes if all are on and just pushing air but not actually producing heat or ac then the pump will be off but still have power of course. I can turn each unit on with no issue but the second I turn on the breaker for the pump it trips my panel where shorepower is connected. The pump has 06 right on the plate so I assume original but perhaps not. Either way it looks aged and I assume something internally happened. If there is another connection elsewhere with relays I should check first would love to hear that and would happily go down that path.
Pump controllers have the potential to fail and trip the breaker. They usually just die and not work. Looks like a sky-hook would help, support the tables and remove the legs to get to that pump. Try to turn the motor shaft before complete removal, could just be stuck and not spinning up.
Probably the best advice. Find a better synthetic pump. Spend the bux now and sleep well for a long (long) time.
Ok don’t sounds like you have a relay box aka triggers aka triacs if none of the units have the compressor running, only the fans then the pump will be off and will NOT have power. There is usually a delay for the air con control to initialize so with all the breakers off, the pump will not get power instantly. If the breaker trips right away, it’s likely the wiring or the relay box. Disconnect the pump in the relay box, should be a cruisair box near the condensers and see what happens. and/or bypass the box and power the pump directly as a test.
Replacing just about anything is always a good advice, but by the same token, the OP could as well replace the whole boat with a brand new one... I mean, just to name another possible culprit, I've seen shorepower tripping due to a bust capacitor, which is worth 20 bucks or so. I'd want at least to check all the "easy" possibilities, before using the checkbook to fix the problem!
If all my ac units are off at the panel and when I turn on ac pump breaker it causes my main shorepower breaker to trip what in this box could be the issue? My first thought is the pump is bad but if it could be something simple in this box that would be great but not sure what to check.
It could be the in the box or it could be wiring. with the air con units off, the pump should not be getting power so it shouldn’t trip its breaker. easy to check: disconnect the two wires going to the pump (lower right) and see if the breaker still trips.
With a 230 Vac unit, one of the legs (L2) to the motor is always hot (those two white wires). The other leg (L1) is switched by the triac, that lil thing with the yellow wire to it on the right. If you pull one of those white wires and the breaker does not trip, bad motor or bad wire to the motor after this box.
Yes, Also one of the pump trigger lines from the controller (L2) is always hot. Same with a 230Vac blower fan. In a 115Vac config, it (L2) would be neutral and not surprise you & curl you hair.
Came down to the boat to test theory. With white wire L2 going to motor disconnected the breaker turns on and does not trip. Darn.
One last hope, Re-connect the white wire in the pump controller box. Disconnect the white wire form the motor. Check breaker. If it does not trip, carefully inspect the white wire for chafe around the pump. If you don't find anything, then as the norm, and has been mentioned, the OLD pump has screwed da pouch for its last time. You can dig into the motor deeper your self, send the motor to a shop and then, have a patched motor with aging bronze pump body OR replace it with a whole composite assembly and sleep well for a very long time.
I'm not familiar with Oberdorfer raw water pumps because they are unheard of, around here. But if that's what their lifespan is supposed to be, the last thing I would do is replace one with another cr@p product from the same manufacturer. I've got original Gianneschi and Calpeda raw water pumps in my 2004 boat that still run flawlessly, and I can say the same of other similar ones I've seeen in 30+ years old boats!