New, to us, boat came with a Raymarine radar. Radar came unmounted. Cable is there as are the mounting holes, BUT no bolts. Anybody possibly know what thread size the bolts are? Thanks, Bob
Crystal Ball rolled overboard long ago. Can you offer a model number? I used to install a few of these. Still have old stuff in stock to offer or measure the bolt size from. Just need to know for sure what it is your bolting down. How thick the surface your bolting thru also.
Need to keep better care of those Crystal Balls, they're kinda rare. It's a RD424HD 4KW 24". Not sure about the thickness. Thought I would put some threaded rods in the radar and put them through the existing holes and then use nut and washer from underneath. So just the bolt size would be great. Thanks, Bob
Ah, later model radome. I have a few pedestal install kits (with grease) on hand. Pedestals may be the same bolt. Don't forget nice lock washers and a lil tef-gel on those threads. BTW, for anybody, I have Pathfinder 4KW pedestals and arrays for sale cheap.
You wouldn't by chance have a spare E120 screen lying around? Center of screen looks burned but the outer edges still show the right stuff so the unit seems to be functional.
let me ask please. If I am drilling thru my hardtop to install a radar dome, should I epoxy the holes so moisture does not get into the hardtop (my hardtop is several inches thick) , or is sealing off from the top enough to prevent water getting into the top? TIA new to the forum, fwiw.
If it is cored with Balsa or wood, Yes. Synthetic core, not really required. Then, a not so heavy duty (Not 5200) gasket or sealant.