Greeting fellow yachtforum'ers, im more a lurker than a poster, but could use some help obtaining a reasonable charter yacht policy for my 2002 Cape Horn 74 Steel Trawler. I was previously with Yacht Insure through Maritime International, and had renewed my charter policy (3 hr harbor tours, 6 pax) this month. Shortly thereafter I made the mistake of submitting a new survey (to increase the insured value which was grossly underinsured at about 30% of actual value), and was promptly dropped. They kindly gave me 10 days to find a new policy. I have contacted many other brokers (Gallager, Jack Martin, Hogan) but to date have not had any reasonable quotes tendered. I have received one quote for ~30k which is a charter business killer. Any help would be appreciated. Cheers!
I had a charter business since 2016 and averaged about $2,100 a year for $1 mill liability and agreed value on the boats. (27’ and 28’ boats with 6 pax for sightseeing, no fishing, no diving) Primarily Charter Lakes Insurance. Now I downsized to a 23’ cc, but brand new boat, $850 a year with Geico, $500k liability.