When running the rock pile I call on 13 for any commercial vessels as I didn’t want to meet one in the rock pile. I don’t think there is enough room to pass without hitting one of those rocks.
How do you clean the South Bay strainers? Do you have to dive on the boat? On a different note, we stopped at Southport and made a short day of it. We would have ended up in Snows Cut at low tide. Decided to make it a short day, head out first thing and hit Snows near high tide in the morning.
Good decision. I would always adjust my schedule depending on tides. Down here we have a diver who cleans the hull and running gear every month so he gives them a scub at the same time
I have to ask, why the ICW on a 70 footer and not outside? I so want to run outside, but unstabilized and taking seas broadside just kicks our butt.
Probably won’t need cleaning that often up in MD. Most boats seem to go the season without cleaning and just pressure wash at winter haul out. So what is the benefit of the South Bay strainers? Almost seems like the bilge strainers are easier to deal with, but you aren’t the first one to recommend the South Bay strainers.
Maybe better for you up there. Down here in Miami they re pretty much maintenance free. If a plastic bag gets sucked against it for instance it will float away when the system cycles on and off. about running the ditch, that specific boat was top heavy and not stabilized… also, many inlets require you to go way out before turning in and out so you re doing many extra miles. We also had plenty of time in the scheduled
I guess that’s why you get the big bucks. I don’t have much desire to do the ICW again. If I do, I will have a proper air conditioned pilot house.
So when you go to the South Bay strainers, you get rid of the internal strainers? I heard that this is how Ocean Yachts are set up.
I had both external and internal strainers on my last boat with A/C. Lots of plastic bags and other garbage floating in the SE Florida waters: Did you see this one? https://www.local10.com/news/local/...ew-popping-balloons-into-south-florida-water/
The mains already have a sort of external strainer. More to keep big stuff out. Grid opening just big enough to get a screw driver on to knock out any growth. External with no internal on the AC and genny might make life easier. Do they make boats in FL without AC?
Yes they do, or they did.. My favorite boat was built in Tampa, my old CSY 33 sailboat. No AC, but lots of ventilation and superior live aboard qualities. I would still be on that tub, but wifey said no.
When I repowered my 53 5 years ago I eliminated the mains and air con strainers and only have the South Bay strainers. working great I kept the internal strainer for the gen because it only runs under way or on the hook and you can not had be a wedge shape scoop for the gen or you will drown it under way last year I added externals on the 116 for the AC and water maker. It s been working great. The only thing is that I keep the internal sea strainers and the air con still needs to be cleaned every few months as atuff grows inside
Aquamaps AICW tracks by Bob423 are available at http://bobicw.blogspot.com/p/bob423-long-tracks.html. Instructions for downloading and using are at http://bobicw.blogspot.com/p/how-to-download-tracks_28.html. Video on YouTube is also available. Great resource that is updated twice per year by Robert’s volunteer efforts. I use an iPad with GPS (cellular model) but do not use cell plan. Run side by side with Raymarine Navionics. I recommend not traveling the AICW without it. Especially from Jacksonville to Norfolk. Great peace of mind. Plan to cross shallow areas at favorable tides is needed in several spots for 5 feet.. Sometimes the USACE surveys are updated to within weeks. And thank you Robert for your contributions.
Made it to Swansboro today. There was a 72 footer with 6.5’ draft parked in front of us last night. He did Swansboro to Southport yesterday. He said he found the bottom a few times going through at low tide. I made Swans Cut at right around high tide. The other tricky part was around the Camp Lejume range.
Has the bridge been fixed or rebuilt at Camp Lejeune? It used to break down all the time. One time on the way south in October, I had to wait about 3 hours in a very long line of boats. Massive traffic jam
The Onslow swing bridge? It is opening on the hour and half hour. Only had to wait a few minutes. Not much boat traffic out here at all other than small local boats.
I Installed a few auto pilots and transducers on CSY's in the late 70's as a tech for Electronics for Yachting in Ft. Laud. & remember the CSY sailboats as absolute tanks! Solid GRP hulls and thick, A couple years later working as a yacht engineer, I would listen to the Moorings charter fleet Mgr. out of St. Thomas talking about never rushing out to retrieve one of their CSY bareboat's up on a reef as they knew it was good for a couple of days before real damage occurred. The 44 center cockpit was a very nice boat in its day, and I remember them well.
Yup, great boats, heavy but also seaworthy, I drilled out a hole for a new bilge pump discharge line, 1 3/8” hull thickness Above the water line.. Lots of good Bahamas and Keys cruising on that boat, all with no Air Condition.
Yep… Onslow. Maybe they replaced it or rebuilt it since the last time I went thru. September is too early but come October, southbound traffic gets busy