Here is a time lapse of a ride up the Miami River I took yesterday morning while bringing the boat to the yard. We had a Tides seal failure on one of the rudders a month ago and have to haul out for a couple of days to rebuild both.
Very nice, thanks for sharing it. The lifting basin at the end looks barely large enough for the boat, how much spare room did you have each side? I'd be also curious to hear more about the rudder shaft seal failure, also because I only ever came across Tides seals on prop shafts. Are also the ones used for rudders similar, i.e. lip seals?
The haul out bay was big enough, about 2’ on each side. The approach was tight because of boats being rafted upon each side and the canal is only about 120’ wide. the tides rudder seal assembly screws on the main body which glassed / fastened to the hull. What happened here is that when turning the rudder one way it started unscrewing but didn’t tighten up when turning the other way. Eventually the seal popped. the guys doing the work are adding a set screw to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Here are the seal holder which threads into the main body
You have to call on ch 9 but yesterday they each bridge called the next one to let them know. Was pretty smooth except the last one on Tamiami canal who didn’t respond but nothing a couple of loud horn blasts didn’t fix
Very cool video. Thanks for sharing. it always amazes me how Miami looks like it just rises out of the water, especially when viewed from the water.
Had a haul-out survey but at Norseman's not as far west. Was getting sore neck looking up at the 40 plus story condo's.