I want to put a vent into the guest cabin headliner to connect to the salon AC return so that air will flow through the guest cabin when the doors are closed. The master AC feeds the guest cabin, but doesn't have a connection to either AC system return unless the doors are open. I've never installed/replaced the headliner in a boat before (or anything else) so would like to know how the headliner is installed / supported to know what is the best way to put a small duct through it. Thanks - Greg
Not specifically familiar with Posts but usually the headliner is either stretched and stapled to beams or the material is attached to 1/4” plywood which is either velcroed or attached with clips to the sub ceiling. this makes it easy to pull panel down to run wires or whatever motion may need to do. take a look at your ceilings it will be pretty obvious you didn’t say what year your boat is but if more than 20/25 years, chances are the headliners have been replaced so the only way to be sure is to see what you have
Salon headliner has removable panels to access the wire runs. No visible fasteners in any of the other ceilings. Headliners don't feel solid like they have a backing panel. Boat is 1989, so yes it has been around a couple years.
In current boat (1995) the material is glued to thin wood panels which are held in place with Velcro. Previous Bertram (1979) the headliner was stapled to the upper frames in lengths of binding that hid the staples.
Seems likely ours (1989) could use the velcro too. Will try to see if I can confirm while installing the new AC control next week. Thanks