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Yacht crew attacked in Sardinia

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Kevin, Jul 20, 2023.

  1. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    I debated posting this because it's somewhat of a nonsense story, terribly written and sensationalized in the articles I've found online (mainstream media's standards for "reporting" are close to non-existent in this day and age), but the incident itself bears looking at, particularly in light of the recent vandalism to yachts and private jets.

    If you search "yacht crew attacked in Sardinia" you'll find video of the incident.
  2. YachtForums

    YachtForums Administrator

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    I think Mapism is located in the region. Maybe he can bring some perspective.
    Capt Ralph likes this.
  3. Maritna_ra

    Maritna_ra Active Member

    Oct 16, 2019
    I can do it, I'm Italian and I have a holiday home in Costa Smeralda...Sardina.
    That is a completely different story, and you are right it is terribly written. In this case, the villains are the guests and crew of the yacht.
    There's no lane, so you can't go there with any tender or boat. It is a restricted and protected area, part of the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park, so there are laws you have to comply with.
    The people onshore were protesting for the violation while a member of the crew pushed a woman. The husband saw red and delivered a spectacular flying kick.
    So it was not against them because they were rich but because being rich doesn't give you the authority to do what you want just because you want to. The rules are supposed to be for everyone.
    The same thing happened some years ago to Abramovich at Cala Luna...another restricted area.

    Bottom and people are more than welcome have to respect the rules and the laws.
    Oh..btw..the Italian Coast Guard is investigating to identify the yacht...a fine is coming :)
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2023
  4. mapism

    mapism Senior Member

    Aug 9, 2008
    I am actually based in southern Sardinia, just about on the opposite side of the island (which is big!).
    But it only takes a knowledge of the rules to give a perspective, based on the video.
    Maritna already gave a good explanation, to which I would just add that beaching any vessel under power with no lanes is forbidden anywhere in Italy, so it's not a local peculiarity of the Maddalena Park.
    I'm saying this because there's zero excuse for a professional crew going against this rule - let alone ignoring it (which would be my guess).
    So, even if the RIB helmsman seems to approach the beach very carefully and slowly, he's unquestionably wrong, and the people on the beach had all the rights to complain and report that to the CG.

    Personal assaults are another thing of course, and potentially they can be a criminal offense, in Italian law.
    But according to the dialogues in the video, the lady who was pushed away by the crew member was the wife of the kicker, so I suppose he could argue that he was acting in defense of his wife, who was (albeit lightly) assaulted by the crew member first.
    Sure, the flying kick looks OTT, but considering that:
    1) approaching the beach under power is not allowed,
    2) that brawl was actually started by the crew guy, who pushed away the lady,
    3) eventually, nobody seem to have been hurt,
    'Fiuaskme, I wouldn't even bother prosecuting anyone criminally for the assault part of the story - but I'm not a judge!

    OTOH, the evidence of a RIB approaching a beach under power surely deserves to be fined by the CG.
    That's not a criminal offense anyhow, it's "just" a breach of navigation rules.
    And IMHO, that's the most remarkable part of the story, particularly because there's no excuse for a professional crew of a yacht that - if the tender size is anything to go by - must have a highly qualified captain.
    In this respect, it's quite possible that the people on the beach wouldn't have protested as much as they did if we were talking of a couple on a hired 15' boat who, ignorant of the rule, would have approached the beach in the same way. Which of course would have been equally in breach of the rule.
    But that comes with the territory, sort of: you can't expect a lot of sympathy when you are going against some rules that any professional crew must be aware of...
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2023
    Maritna_ra likes this.
  5. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    Now that the surf has settled some, I have to splash some ammonia about.
    If the RIB operator was standing at point B, after he supposed pushed wife at point A, Where was the husband when this went on??
    Assume point X.

    How long did it take husband to approach point B from his point X?
    Lil late to the event? Not close by da wife?

    Now, If it was my wife, That RIB operator would already be floating face down off the beach.
    PSA; If you ever notice Josie and a bear fighting, Somebody needs to get in there and help the bear. ♪♫♪

    And I,, would still be at point X, undisturbed, dry, In da shade, beverage in hand, watching over the point X beach, carefully.