Thinking of a spring cruise from Tarpon Springs to Brownsville, TX. I have a decent understanding of what the panhandle of Florida has to offer but after that not so much. What are some of the places I should see in MS, AL, LA, & TX? Would like to travel the Gulf ICW atleast 1 way. Are there any severe rough spots on the GICW? Would like to go all the way to Brownsville and stay a few days. Has Brownsville been affected by cartel violence? I draw 5’ feet. Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
I have only gone that way about 9 or 10 years ago with a 53 Hatteras. No worries depthwise the barge traffic was VERY heavy and to make things worst it was December with heavy fog from just west of NOLA all the way to Galveston. It was so bad most of the barges were beached along the banks. I have to say that whatever I saw of that stretch of ICW was not very scenic. None of the towns seem to be appealing either, mostly industrial.
There should be plenty of depth from Apalachicola to New Orleans . I don't go west of there. Apalachicola is always a good overnight spot with plenty of good eateries and Scipio Creek Marina should be able to accommodate your boat. Not much in Panama City for Marinas since hurricane Michael but Bay Point is back open and has transient slips. Destin and Ft. Walton both have decent Marinas right on the ICW but I have never stayed at any of them. Both The Wharf Marina and Homeport Marina are on the ICW in Orange Beach, Al. Lulu's Restaurant is attached to Homeport and the Wharf has an ampatheatre that usually has performers every weekend from spring through fall. Lulu's usually has a long wait but Tacky Jacks is right across Portage Creek. The Wharf is a bit pricey if you're there during an event. If you want to go up Mobile Bay, Dog river is worth stopping at and you can get a ride to the battleship USS Alabama. The Naval Aviation Museum in Pensacola is also a great place to spend a day if you like aircraft. There are few marinas in Pensacola but I know nothing about them. Dauphin Island won't have enough water for your draft( or mine either anymore) but an interesting place. In Mississippi the Biloxi Small Craft Harbor should be able to accommodate you and they are next to the Hard Rock Casino and Hurricane Katrina Museum. Gulfport Municipal Marina is also a nice marina and the Mississippi Marinas are reasonably priced. We haven't been west of there in a few years.
Thank you both. Sounds like not worth going west of New Orleans. Does anyone know of a decent marina in New Orleans?
No idea about marinas. I stopped overnight at the Boondocks Casino dock on the south side, rough dock but free back then … that was after waiting all day for the industrial lock to let me thru. That lock isn’t a great neighborhood! Lots of shady characters around. I would no go beyond the panhandle…
Are you looking for adventure or desperate (really desperate) to write a new chapter about something. Cuba may offer more boating options.
There are lots of boats west of Mississippi, there must be something going on over there other than fishing the oil rigs.
fishing I guess is the reason for boat ownership between Nola and Port Arthur. From port Arthur into Bolivar and Galveston, it is a little better. Didn’t go beyond Galveston Bay but even if it’s scenic below Galveston, it s a long way. The Bahamas are closer and even the SE coast has many nice towns and cities and better spots to explore.
Agreed. I worked on boats around Orange Beach and Pensacola. Have customers from NOLA. There are many local spots that do well for the locals, cater to the locals, offer some good entertainment to the locals, support the GOM and industries. IMO, these are not cruising grounds. Further west, Local spots get thinner till Brownsville. Ship breakers, scrap yards and a boarder town supporting some fishing fleets. English is not the common language. PC is blessed by its bay and bayous. Some ICW passages. Mobil, Pensacola and other places are also blessed. IMO; They still poorly support the residential boaters much less care for a transient. When I was young, dumb and full of stuff, I was offered lots of work out there. All go the same answer; It sux out there, NO.. Sad because I do admire Texas. Just no room for me on the coast.
The municipal yacht harbor on the lake just west of lakefront airport reopened a couple of years ago. I've heard it's pretty nice but I have visited it yet.