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Adventures in boat shopping

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by RossC, Jun 20, 2023.

  1. ranger58sb

    ranger58sb Senior member

    Aug 20, 2013
    Chesapeake Bay, USA
    Think I've lost track of what boat is which...

    But at least it sounds like good progress.

  2. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    I went with the Sea Ray 420 Sedan Bridge. 6CTA 450's with 900 hours. Very nice boat. Hoping the survey goes well Survey is on the 13th. If it fails survey it will be something not easily noticed. I spent a good hour crawling through every hatch and compartment I could fit into. Bilge and engine room could pass a white glove test. We have a surveyor and Cummins tech lined up for survey and sea trial.

    The only thing it's missing is the aft bridge enclosure. The isinglass got foggy and the owner felt he didn't need the aft enclosure so only had the forward part replaced. I get to bust out the sewing machine. It's been a few years since I've done canvas work. Should be fun.

    Maiden voyage will be Greenwich CT to Chesapeake Bay. Thinking about taking the East River/Hells Gate to NYC and do a little sight seeing then heading down to Cape May on the outside. NJICW would be fun, but it looks like there's not much water through most of it. If we get beat up too bad on the outside, might give it a shot. The depending on weather, either outside down to the Bay Bridge Tunnel and back up the Chesapeake to home base. Alterative would be round Cape May and head up the DE bay to the C&D canal and over to the Chesapeake which might be the most economical route.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    Same will disagree but I personally believe Sea Ray makes a pretty darn good boat. Yes, they’ve had some issues in the past but most builders have too. Sea Ray does some nice interior and space layout and there are some quality benefits to a more mass produced product. Lastly, service and parts is generally easier to come by as well.

    Best of luck with trials and survey and closing the deal!
    YachtForums likes this.
  4. MBevins

    MBevins Senior Member

    May 23, 2008
    Windsor On. Canada
  5. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    I've seen his website. His tracks cover Norfolk to FL. Getting through NY doesn't look to difficult. I've done it on the outside, just never done the East River.
  6. Ken Bracewell

    Ken Bracewell Senior Member

    Feb 9, 2006
    Somewhere Sunny
    Piece of Cake. Hell Gate can get squirrelly at max ebb/flood, so I generally try to time it within an hour of slack. But on your size boat it won't matter much.
  7. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    The east river and NY harbor is easy and pretty interesting. Hells gate is no problem with a planning boat

    it’s been a while since i ve run the east coast but I always went up the Delaware and down the Cheasie

    only adds about 60nm compared to the run off shore and nicer stops like Annapolis. The CD canal is nice too. Watch the lower Delaware with opposing tides, it can be nasty
  8. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    So the 420 deal is dead. Made an offer a week ago. Seller agreed, signed contract, found a new boat and signed contract on that one. This morning the broker calls. Seller canceled the contract on his new boat and the contract on this 420. So dewal is dead and we are still looking.

    Might go look at a 44 Sedan Bridge this week. Nice boat, 2006 vs 2004 but at $335k more than what we wanted to spend. Just need to make sure this is our forever boat.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    That’s a bummer you keep having deals fall through. At the same time, you’re a salesperson’s dream the way you keep
    upselling yourself and increasing your budget :):):).
  10. RER

    RER Senior Member

    Jan 20, 2009
    Newport Beach CA
    What kind of backwoods purchase agreement did you use that lets the Seller cancel your contract?
    SeaLion and SplashFl like this.
  11. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    Standard contract through my buyers agent, who works for a prominent brokerage. It was by the book. Offer accepted, signed, deposit wired and boat and engine surveys scheduled. My broker said he would see what he can do, but I decided to move on. This seller is too flakey. Just glad he didn't pull this after spending money on a survey. I'm not sure what can be done. If the guy doesn't want to sell, best not to force the issue and move on. My gut tells me that he's been looking at similar listing and decided he can get more for the boat. I wouldn't be surprised to see the boat listed with a higher price in the next few days. He tried to shake me down for another 10K after I offered 1K over asking.

    I really want to stick to a budget, but we want a boat we won't want to sell in 6 months. The budget is a moving target, but $300k is pretty much the upper limit. I'd prefer $250 or less. Market in this segment doesn't seem to be getting much softer.
  12. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    In theory a seller can’t back out of contract without compensation. Had he done that after survey he would have been liable for the costs of the surveys and the time he made you waste.

    in the real world you can’t and don’t want to press the issue and buy a boat the seller no longer wants to buy…
  13. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    This weeks contestants.....

    1999 Eagle Trawler 40. Pretty nice boat but cazy high engine hours (7500) on a single BTA. Interior was nice with the classic trawler look and teak/holly floors. The interior is too compartmentalized for us. Seems like a collection small spaces. We prefer an open layout. Asking $215k. Not for us.

    2008 Mainship 400. Single Yanmar with bow and stern thrusters. Nice looking boat outside. They had just cleaned the carpet and you couldn't tell. Carpet needs replacing. Also smelled a fairly strong diesel smell when entering the interior. Usually means fuel tanks in these boats. Asking $229k. Moving on.

    2005 CS Power Cat 42. Twin Yanmar V Drives. Some leakage around windows, other wise really nice boat. Spotless interior. Recent paint, but needs a little touchup. Nice layout but we have big dogs and the ladders going down to the staterooms wouldn't work. Ladder to the flybridge was not ideal either. Prefer stairs to the flybridge. Asking $325. Moving on.

    2002 Azimut 42 Flybridge. Cat 3126's. Terrible layout and bit of a project for the asking price. The hull has a vinyl wrap which makes a guy wonder what's going on under the wrap. Asking $249k. Moving on.

    2006 Regal Commodore 3880. Yanmar V drives. Decent layout but no storage other than the guest cabin. Good boat for 2 people with minimal gear. Boat was kind of a turd. Looked like a few years of pretty serious neglect. Outdoor upholstery and isinglass not really even usable. Boat was on the hard getting detailed. Been on the market for a year. Owner is in CA. Boat is in Hampton VA. Asking $197k. Hard pass. Moving on.

    2008 Sea Ray 44 Sedan Bridge. Cummins QSC500's. Boats is rough for the asking price. Sea Dek on all decks starting to peel and discolor. Filthy engine room. Stinky bilge. Exterior needs a comprehensive detail. Isinglass is rough. Hard wood floors are a little beat up and discolored from the sun. AC's working but not very cold. Boat lives in the water full time and it shows. No service records to speak of. Asking $349. Moving on.

    2006 Sea Ray 44 Sedan Bridge. Cummins QSC500's. Nice boat. Spotless bilge. Clean engines. Clean interior. No odd smells inside the boat or bilge. Electronics 3 years old. Older KVH sat dome, but was told that Dish and DirectTV no longer support the older KVH domes. Bridge upholstery is usable but to be perfect, needs replacing. Some of it might clean up OK. Isinglass probably has one more season left. Minimal service records. Owner did most of the maintenance stuff himself, as would I. After coolers and heat exchangers were supposed to be serviced by previous owner 3-4 years ago but no records to back that up. Owner is aware that the engines could use a full major service, although claims they run fine and strong with no issues. Asking $334k. Made offer and didn't get the door slammed in my face. Waiting for a counter.

    Scheduled next week if the above Sea Ray doesn't go anywhere...2004 Carver 444. Looks nice. Not crazy about the Volvo engines.
  14. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    So asking on the 44 Sea Ray is 334k. I offered 290k. a couple days goes by and broker calls and says owner won't take less than 300k. OK, so counter at 300k. A day goes by and no counter, so we submit another offer at 300k. Broker calls today and says owner wants more than 300k but still no counter. So it appears we are moving on, but my agent says not go give up, buyer still may come around.

    So we looked at a 2004 Carver 444 today. Very nice boat. The only thing I don't like is the Volvo engines. We have also kind of decided that we like the sedan bridge style better. Not off the list, but not high on the list.

    Tomorrow we look at a 2000 Maxum 46 SCB and it appears that the 2007 391 Meridian might be back in play again. It seems the broker is now willing to co-broker. This broker has the Maxum also.
  15. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Carver? Sorry I would pass.

    the 46 Maxum was a very nice boat and pretty well built. Back in 99 I bought a new 37 Maxxum which was part of the same line as the 41 and 46. Kept it for 4 years before I bought my current 53 Hatteras. Back then Maxum called the 37,41 and 46 the “sport yacht” line whatever that meant. I had no issues with the 37 and it had excellent access to everything for maintenance. The 46 was even better from what I heard.

    in fact before buying the 37 I looked at comparable sea rays and passed. There were a number of things where the SR were inferior incl accessibility for maintenance, nylon TH discharge vs chromed bronze, Formica vs corian countertops etc

    A few years later, mid 2000s, US Marine Brunswick discontinued the Sport Yacht line because it was competing with Sea Rays and focused on Meridian and Sea ray

    meridians are pretty good too. But again? At 20+ years old original built quality isn’t as critical as past maintenance
    Capt Ralph likes this.
  16. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    The Maxum and Meridian are dead, mostly because they are both listing by this odd ball broker. He will not accept nor present any offer to his seller that is submitted by another broker. We made an offer on the Meridian a few weeks ago. It was never presented to the buyer. The only thing I get from the broker is that sellers bottom line is $239k and I'm at $230. We are 9K apart and he won't present the numbers to the seller or accept an offer to that effect from my broker.

    As a side note, the Maxim failed survey recently for soft stringers.

    DOCKMASTER Senior Member

    Feb 26, 2012
    Ketchikan, Alaska
    So this "odd ball" broker will only present offers that he/she have written so they get both sides of the deal? Never heard of such BS. I wonder if the sellers' listing agreement spells this out? I suspect the sellers of these vessels would be frustrated to find out offers are not being presented.
  18. RossC

    RossC Member

    Jun 3, 2023
    Rehoboth Beach, DE
    Yes. We walked away from this boat a few weeks ago because of this nonsense, then he called my broker to ask if we were still interested. My broker said, "Yes, but you have to go through me." They chatted a bit and it sounded like he was coming around so I paid him a visit in person. He wanted to give my broker a small finders fee and not give up any commission. His argument was that it was his listing and his customer and he didn't feel like another broker should get half of his commission. He also ******* at me for making a low ball offer. I don't think 230 on a 248 asking is a low ball. He thinks he can get asking and is holding out for that.

    He even went of a little rant about how he has been reported to YachtWorld for not allowing co-broker on at least 25% of his listings. Didn't know that was a rule, but evidently YachtWorld frowns on brokers who don't allow co-brokering. I would be pretty pissed as a seller to know that offers are coming in and not being presented just because my listing broker is too greedy to share the commission. I would guess that this is not mentioned in his listing agreement. If it is, then it's on the owner for listing with this guy.
  19. Pascal

    Pascal Senior Member

    Feb 29, 2008
    Miami, FL
    Look up the boat name in the USCG database and send a letter to the owner explaining his broker refused to present the offer. Where is the broker? I wonder if Florida doesn’t have some rules about such behavior.
  20. JadePanama

    JadePanama Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    I was just gonna say the same thing as Pascal. Look up the owner information based on the hull id or numerous other sources. Whenever I am on a boat hunt, I get a short term subscription to boatscope. It takes the same info on the USCG ( site or and adds more search capabilities and also shows owner information. I have found this super helpful in tracking down folks, build information etc. Of if you are on a vessel, many times folks have contact info on the boat or on paperwork that is plainly displayed.

    I get it on deal under 75k or so to not want to co broker and that's not that uncommon, but when you start getting 100k-150k+ I stay away from them.

    We actually had a vessel we tried to purchase a couple years ago. listing was like 760k. had failed a survey. survey showed vessel value like 550k. it was a diamond in the rough. Most things I could fix on my own, and get back to great condition for probably 75k. I went in with a 500k offer, with a letter explaining why etc. One of those a bit sappy ones about how we will return the vessel to prime condition. Enjoy it with our family like her family did for many years. (don't laugh... it works more than you would think) The owner was someone who was mid 90's, had been stuck with the vessel for a few years after her husband had passed, and was well off. I knew she just wanted it gone. Broker refused to take it to her. No matter what we tried. we bought a different vessel same day. I got a call a week later begging me to make the offer again that she out of the blue came to him and told him that she really wanted the boat gone and would consider just about anything. It was too late. We loved the other vessel. Just shows how some brokers out there are just idiots. you can't fix stupid.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2023
    rocdiver, SeaLion, MM3 and 1 other person like this.