Anyone using one? Which one would you all recommend? Would be handy as a backup or just trip planning. Thanks
I have iNavX on my iPad. I would say it is just OK. I was really hoping to use it as an anchor alarm and have it next to me when sleeping. But I haven’t found it to be reliable enough and the settings are challenging.
I recently added Navionics to my iPad as a backup to my normal chart plotter. I find Navionics very easy to use and also to plan out routes.
I just bought an "Orca2" . It's a full sunlight viewable tablet designed for marine use. It uses it's own Nav software but being Android based you can also load other products. I'm still playing with it, and haven't had much time to do so. However I think it shows promise. It will connect directly to the boats nmea2000 backbone so all ship's devices will integrate.
We use Aquamap Marine -- on Android devices, but they also do an iThing version -- as one of our several backups. We use this one specifically because it has an in-app option to include recent USACE survey data, and we've found that to be helpful for AICW travel. -Chris
I talked about the Orca earlier and low and behold Panbo had a review that was released this morning.
Switched to Aqua Map four years ago from Garmin. I find it easy to use, update and it is not a memory hog. iPad mounts next to the Furuno, and it is as accurate using the built in GPS. Primary use is Great Lakes and Bahamas.
I use Aquamap the most, especially in the Bahamas as it uses explorer charts. The anchor alarm works great, very reliable with a late model iPhone, GPS signal will vary by device . I use it every night when on the hook. I also have Navionics but the Bahamas charts are full of errors. I pretty much just keep it for the tides in the Bahamas as Aquamap only has US tides. I still have Garmin BlueCharts on an older iPad. It has been discontinued a few years ago and was a great nav app. The current Garmin charts use Navionics data, which again is downright dangerous in the Bahamas. I tried a few more over the years including. NV charts, CMap and Inavx. Not even worth keeping
Navionics for me but…I was just turned on to Tom Cunliffe’s AngelNav. iOS only for now. Think actual traditional paper chart with gps and satellite image overlays. Search YouTube for an introduction. Free app. Jolly good.
I like Aquamap myself as well, I do find the 2 different blue colors for really shallow and shallow challenging in sunlight, but other than that it works great. I really do MISS the old Garmin app. Navionics would be my second choice but lots of errors in the Bahamas with them.
Another Aquamap user. I have Navionics and still have BlueChart. But Aquamap is what I routinely use. Love the add in's. Weather at destination, toggle to satellite view. USCOE survey data.