We are looking at an Antares 11. Wondering if any of you captains out there have captained one and what your impression was of their handling in rough water. We wouldn’t intentionally take it in bad weather but you know how it is. We would do part of the loop with it, so will be in the Great Lakes, and we like to fish offshore Long Island, but close to shore. Thanks in advance for any wisdom! Yes we know you get what you pay for… but it’s in our budget and the outboards are appealing to my husbands aging body! No more crawling around the engine room.
I ve never run one but I ve been or looked closely at a number of Benetteau power boats and I ve never been impressed. I remember stepping on one to secure a line as it was banging against a piling and the rail stanchions were the most flimsy I had ever seen. Same with rubrails. there is a reason for the low price. A better build used boat will be a much better choice.
In the USA I would look like for a Tiara if quality is a priority. An old Tiara 4000 or 4400 Sovran is a better boat then an Antares 11. I think on the brokerage side of things in the USA you get these at a better price value then most European imports. Beneteau have always build at a (very) competitive price point, which if you go skin deep (not only) will also show an average quality. Now I am not saying the Antares is a bad boat, Beneteau's Group R&D is second to none, but that is always made prioritizing the competitive price point, and strictly speaking you are better off with many of the other European brands.
Thank you for the input! We are looking for a model with outboards. … and we are looking for used boats. New builds are out of our budget; and the one time we did buy new - not a high quality boat either, but regardless- too many bugs to work out! Wouldn’t do it again. Anyway, my question is more about how it rides, than quality. Thanks again.
Wow… not a great evaluation. Curious how you would rate it vs a Searay diesel which we currently have; we want to go to outboards.
Thanks Liam… the problem with older boats is they didn’t start going to outboards until more recently. Maybe you have an outboard you could suggest, not brand new, similar in size to the Antares 11? Thanks so much.
It’s always to judge without knowing the year model and engine model but I’d place sea ray above benetteau quality wise. for short distance cruising close to shore, I understand the appeal of outboards but for the loop? I wouldn’t. It s not just the fuel economy but range as well. also, outboard means gas gen with all safety issues this means incl fumes and carbon monoxide.
The Anteres and cousin from Jeanneau NC models, part of Group Beneteau, seem to be selling like hotcakes still in PNW. I see them all over the Columbia River and they seem to ride up and down the river just fine. I have owned Beneteau sailboats. I call them Bendy Toys. Beneteau knows how to design and build boats. The hull shapes and design are always good. The devil is in the details. Fit out is so-so. They scrimp on cleats, ground tackle, winch sizes, plumbing, inverters size, battery banks, and the rest of the boat. I like them. They have all sailed well for what they were. Of course that has little to do with your question, how is the ride? I can't imagine you could not find an Anteres dealer somewhere that has the ability, willingness?, to be able to get a ride. Heck, there may be Anteres that are on boat share web sites or even boat club fleets. As for ride, there is always plenty of Anteres on you tube if you want to see some action.
That’s interesting, that they are selling like hotcakes! Their jump on the outboard craze seems to be paying off. Helpful info gr8trn… looks like he is going to try one out. Thanks.
Yes, no flybridge, twin Mercury 300's and diesel generator. Gets better mileage than our old Sea Ray 36 sedan bridge with cummins diesels
I am too old to be crawling around a tight bilge ( as in the Sea Ray 36 Sedan Bridge) to service. Gets expensive if you do not do the basics yourself- filters, impellars, zinc's oil etc.
Sorry just saw these answers! And my husband has a habit of answering as if he is me…Not a major problem but it is confusing, and we most definitely have different styles!! Picking up the boat on Monday… We gave up thinking any boat is the last one, been down this road too many times. Whether we like it or not it seems pretty perfect for a little North Passage, Georgian Bay, and Trent Severn cruising. We shall see otherwise!
Boats are designed and built to suit a segment of the market. It is what it is, as you say. It would be wonderful to hear your take after a cruise or two for the sake of a complete forum thread. Congratulations on your not last boat.
You would be impressed with later mfgs with gas outboards and diesel gen-set. Worked on a later Contender last year set up this way.
Well I guess we must have liked it! We keep a bigger boat in Florida (a floating condo) and are thinking of buying the Anteres 12 as our latest Florida “Not Our Last Boat” ! (Hmm that might be an interesting name). Will come back with some comments on the 11.