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Is it a "size" thang...?!

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by airship, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    One's noticed a few threads cropping up in here's biggest container ship, world's biggest ferry etc. :confused:

    And I guess that anyone here who actually comes across one of these behemoths at sea might like to be able to say: "Oh yes, I know all about it - I read about that one at YF and it's the biggest 'X'-SOB ever...!"

    But quite what it really has to do with a yachting forum, one can only surmise: unless of course that is, size counts here, as much as anywhere else...?! (I'd like teena's input here if she's got a moment too please...) ;)

    I mean, how come noone posts stuff here on the latest 120 inch sailing or extremely rigid inflatable dinghy that even a modest yacht owner might like to have aboard, undercover or not?

    I'll take yers 5,000 TEU and raise yers 6"... :)
  2. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    Airship, it is called general news. You can't possibly have every single post or thread or comment purely about have to deviate once in a bluemoon. As i said, i think it is good that people know some general news. I am not going to keep posting stuff like that all the time to waterdown such a great yacht forum we have here. I would be stupid to do that...and then let Carl kick me out? no WAY! So accept a few things here and there...they wouldnt kill you...Actually from that container ship thread we managed to attract one new member:) I thank him for joining..Just hope he continues to be active.
  3. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    And that's another thing! Why can't we have more female participation around here? I mean, we should all admit that superyachts wouldn't even exist if not for "her". If it was a men-only phenomenom, all the world's superyachts would be painted Awlgrip medium grey and have numbers and letters painted on the bow, with lots of satcom domes about the place, and torpedo tube and depth charge launching devices cluttering the decks etc...?! :D Instead of which, superyachts cost 3-5 times what they should because of their interior comforts...?! :eek:
  4. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    LOL, that is funny airship!
  5. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    That's cause the females are smarter.... they're out enjoying being onboard instead of chatting us up in here. :D

    As for the size issue.... I'll say it's more of an engineering issue. Anyone can think big, but it's technologically amazing to actually do it!
  6. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida

    Airship... you've just declared our creed. YachtForums is comprised of people who dig big boats… not super-ships, ferries & freighters. For any forum to be successful, it’s important not to dilute the theme.

    The same goes for giga-yachts. This category remains a curiosity for most and a reality for few. Still, they are yachts and therefore a few owners and enthusiasts will have an elevated level of interest.

    The majority of YF members (around 80%) own boats in the 50’ to 90’ range. Another 10% have MUCH larger yachts. The remaining 10% appear to be buyers, enthusiasts or the simply curious.

    There’s a reason why YF has found some acceptance, because we often discuss “real” yachts, something that us everyday mere mortals can relate to. If you want to lure in lurkers and add to the knowledge base bottom-line… then we need to keep it relevant, informational and fun.

    I want to commend YachtLuver for finding interesting news and bringing it to YachtForums. Far too many lurkers around here. Not enough people posting! YachtLuver keeps the momentum going and a little diversity is good.

    That being said, Airship’s post was excellent (as we’ve come to expect). It’s this kind of creative and well-informed wit that has far greater value than the biggest boat afloat.

  7. Yacht News

    Yacht News YF News Editor

    Mar 29, 2006
    So then Carl, there is some indecision as it relates to the discusion of the Dubai then :);)...She is a GigaYacht...and you said that it remains a curiosity for many and reality for few.LOL.
  8. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Giga-Yachts are NOT something that many (if any) of us will ever own, or have the good fortune to go onboard. Frankly, they are NOT yachts. They are SHIPS... and you need the income of a 3rd world country to afford them. Too much time is spent talking about these colossal giants that are more like an anomoly by definition.

    Let's get REAL and let's talk about REAL-istic yachts... the kind of boats that we can all aspire to, get informed about, work toward and purchase. I am not suggesting any parameters on the size or stature of the yachts we discuss, but I would like to see more people become members and participate on YachtForums. Discussions about 300-500 foot yachts is NOT the way to do this.

    Yachts that are more mainstream in size will result in more participation. Ultimately, the more active people we have, the more we will ALL learn.
  9. Neil Rooney

    Neil Rooney Senior Member

    Sep 28, 2006
    On D Road
    Ok, here's my boat. An EX Camel Trophy Ribtec 6.5M deep V with three fuel tanks 200ltr, 200ltr and 125ltr. Lots of Raytheon stuff, chart plotter, fish finder, three fuel monitors, flow scan, tach, speedo, clock, music etc.

    Attached Files:

  10. reidsatsea

    reidsatsea New Member

    Jun 15, 2006
    Ft Liquordale
    OK, without turning this into a "sexist" thread...
    I think you have more female membership than you realise.... some of us prefer not to advertise it too loudly since we do still occasionally get the "Oh my God, a FEMALE captain, what IS the world coming too?" routine. I got it just a week ago, from a fellow Captain here in Ft Laud. Bit of a shocker actually, since I was hoping to learn something from him other than the fact that he's a MCP. His loss, to be sure!
    Don't you worry though, we're here and we're not going anywhere! It's a great place to learn stuff without having to suffer thru the "dumbing down" lots of people feel we need; but where we can ask really dumb questions too, if we need to!
  11. YES!

    YES! Senior Member

    Aug 13, 2005
    Sarasota, FL
    Better Thangs

    Hear, Hear, Carl! Very well said.

    I enjoy your Forum because people actually talk about boats, engineering, capabilities, limitations, etc. The best questions reflect what is really important, i.e., I want a boat that does A, B, C....and I have this much money or this model of boat interests me. Given that criteria, "What is the best boat for the dollar?" Bigger is not Better, only Better is Better.

    I tire of the voyeurism that is so prevalaent in the magazines, other media and forums that pervades this industry. Note for Carl: You do not have a Smilie for the "5 finger gag" that I would enter here.

    The guys with the biggest yachts who call themselves "yachtsmen" and "sailors" seldom leave the dock, much less do a crossing. If they feel their "giga" roll in an anchorage ever so slightly, the phone on the bridge rings with a panic call from the Owner demanding larger stabilizers. Truly a sad commentary on what yachting is and what it is should be.

    But for us industry pukes, the yachting business is the ultimate in Reagan's famous "trickle down economics." Keeps our family fed and Mama's got a new pair of shoes!

    I KNOW that Niel Rooney has more fun on his RIB and uses it more often than 99% of anyone who owns anything over 120 feet.

    And for reidsatsea, if you ever have a technical or professional question; I would be pleased to offer my assistance on YF, by PM or email. Good luck and safe sailing.

    In the meantime, enjoy the real people with good information but even giga-bigger and mega-better laughs on YachtForums!
  12. Arniev

    Arniev Senior Member

    Nov 1, 2005
    Monterey, CA, USA
    Am amazed to hear there are still people who behave that way, since we now live in a world where we have FEMALE astronauts, fighter pilots, racecar drivers, neurosurgeons, etc. Guys like that fellow Captain you mentioned are in for a Rude Awakening!

    I'm sure we've got LOTS of female YF members!
    And WELCOME ALL ... TO YF!
  13. Kevin

    Kevin YF Moderator

    Nov 25, 2004
    Montreal, Qc, Canada
    Heh... :)
  14. CaptTom

    CaptTom Senior Member

    Jan 26, 2006
    Palm Beach to Ft Lauderdale
    MCP = Male Chauvenist Pig?
    (Did I spell that right?)
  15. wdrzal

    wdrzal Senior Member

    Feb 6, 2006
    Allegheny Mountains of Western Pa
    Hell when I retire, which may be soon the way I feel,really beat my body up when young with play toys, and don't plan to work another 20 years just so I can get a social security check,(if the government isn't bankrupt by then) :rolleyes:

    I would hire a all women crew and Capitan if I needed or wanted one. I do believe you need one unless there are others on board qualified to "Drive" . As it's not fair when you shelled out the money for a nice floating ,satellite controlled toy, and as being the only Captain on board you must stand watch on the bridge as all your guests are playing bikini Twister.:D
  16. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Congratulations WDRZL. You've officially confirmed that chauvinism is alive and well, while successfully taking the male gender down a notch on the evolutionary scale. But all is not lost! You've helped bring about positive change...

    NEW YF rule...

    1. If you spew garbage, your post(s) will be relegated to the trash bin.

    We may adopt the same rule for posts that are not legible or coherent. Either way, if it continues… memberships will not.
  17. airship

    airship Senior Member

    Jul 2, 2006
    French Riviera...
    I think I know where WDRZAL is coming from. And even more relevantly, where he intended to go... ;)

    Which is, that if (or when), you eventually get together the wherewithal (in spite of various governmental taxes and wealth-redistribution schemes) in order to buy yourself that 80-100ft yacht, would you have an all-female crew...?!

    Now that's quite an interesting question.

    I personally have absolutely no qualms about the qualifications or abilities of the fairer sex of running yachts in a suitably Bristol-fashion. But I'm still somewhat surprised at times, by the numbers of attractive women employed aboard crewed-yachts in various positions, ahem. It might even be said that the prevalence of young attractive females aboard yachts is somewhat in direct disproportion to their natural prevalence more generally speaking...?! Is this because it's generally males who tend to employ the crew or they do it this way because it's how they interpret their owner's wishes...? :confused:

    Anyhow, I think I'd probably feel quite intimidated being surrounded by just beautiful women all day. I'd like to think that on my own yacht, there'd be room for say, the odd 45 year-old male deckhand or steward. Also, I'd feel uncomfortable about having a gorgeous 20-year old blonde having to clean my his n' hers gold-plated marbled bathroom suite everyday for some strange reason (but especially after a hot curry...). Thank goodness that when one employs "personal staff", one is often exempt from the usual (non-)discriminatory regulations in many countries.

    And why, if (or when) I win the €180 million EuroMillions jackpot next Friday, my first call will be to a certain American skipper whose first name is Veronika. She'd put most male skippers to shame in her ability and diligence. And I'd be happy for her to run my superyacht anyday... :)
  18. SoCalRP

    SoCalRP New Member

    Nov 7, 2006
    Orange Co., CA
    Alright, as the one new member that actually joined I'll comment on the subject. As I said in my original post, I have read and truly enjoyed this forum for quite some time. I never really joined because I am very aware of the addictive nature of forums that put forth such interesting material.

    Re: yachtluver just hoping I remain active...

    no promises, but you kind put me on the hook with that statement:D so I will probably feel obliged to remain active

    Re: Airship wondering about the size thing...

    I agree with what others have said pertaining to just having a general interest in boating, and wanting to share info on anomalies as they occur (i.e. the launching of the Emma Maersk), but I will say this, not in defense of myself (because I don't feel this to be a threatening or defensible situation), but more out of general argumentative fun: there have been several posts here on the forum pertaining to yachts which, within, contain statements about how much of a marvel is to see how high boats (even some of the true monsters like Dubai) sit once the superstructure is completed, but before interior outfitting has taken place, what with the stern completely above the waterline and bulbous bow sticking halfway out of the water:eek:

    My point being this... my post, about a non-yacht, was just aimed at commenting on the similarity in that regard, after having seen pictures of the E.M. holding what looked to be at least 85% of her overall capacity, and still standing tall in the water... so there:p

    Alright folks, hope you all have a wonderful evening, on land or at sea. I must make haste, as I have to cook dinner for a party of 120 people tonite.

  19. YachtForum

    YachtForum Publisher/Admin

    Dec 22, 2002
    South Florida
    Nice post SoCalRP. Glad you joined!
  20. Loren Schweizer

    Loren Schweizer YF Associate Writer

    Apr 20, 2004
    Coral Gables/Ft. Laud., FL
    What I enjoy about YF... that we are never going to die from boredom around here.
    There was the innocuous reference in the beginning of this thread to large vessels with a quick morph to lady captains & sexism that came out of the blue like a left hook in a seedy bar.

    Yes, Teenna, where are you?:p

    I thought that when reidatsea weighed in with her comments, I smiled and waited for A STORY. Instead of conjecturing about a woman running things onboard, am I the only one who has a real-life tale to relate?

    Captain L ( to protect the innocent, natch), who, a dozen years ago, used to run a Bertram 58 motoryacht --for a woman owner out of Chicago, no less-- was our captain du jour for that day's seatrial/survey/haulout.
    She was all of five feet tall and maybe a hundred pounds soaking wet, and all-businesslike from the get-go.
    As the broker du jour representing the buyer, I was not exactly viewed as a highly developed life-form by Cap't. L and so merely observed the proceedings from a safe distance.
    Butch, a huge bear of a guy, and very much no-nonsense, was our surveyor.

    Butch began lighting up the various electronics at the lower station from which L conned the boat. The radar, a monstrous antique Furuno unit, remained dormant.
    Butch audibly noted this and began to write it up into his report. At that moment, Cap't. L made a fist and gave the Furuno a resounding whack, at which point it blipped to life.
    "Oh, yes, it works", she said.

    For a shocked split second, no one said a word, and then we all laughed like hell.

    I've told this story a hundred times.

    Competence is competence, the package notwithstanding.