Hi folks, I recently bought a late 2000 Princess 50 and looking for some replacement parts. What are the options for purchasing the replacement parts like exhaust temp sensor and pump for changing steering fluid etc. The US princess store is refusing to sell anything with foreign Hull ID. Ridiculous!!
Exhaust temp sensor for a MAN engine, Call a MAN shop. Steering fluid change?? Gravity is a good friend. Am I missing something else here?
It's Volvo D11s and it's not Volvo part. I hired Volvo techs and they said it's a Princess part (sensor). My house mechanic said that there is a small manual pump that's needed to bleed the steering after he changes the fluid. I am still pretty new to these yachts so lot's of learning curve ahead for now.
I keep re-reading this; Your boat has a foreign flag? And you tried Princess Yachts America Customer Service Center 2100 Avenue B Riviera Beach, FL 33404 Phone: (561)848-5011 Or any HMY sales group? I don't see the need for a special pump. Any lil fuel pump can work. The exhaust exhaust temp sensor. If it is what I think it is, Look at a good one, any part numbers or specs may be stamped on them to WWW search with. 2 wire temp switches are common in SeaRays and Hatts. Just need to determine if normal closed or open and what temp you want it to react at? Viking may sell you these.
Thank you Capt. Ralph. I am told that Viking America is refusing to sell to any Hull numbers that are not specifically Viking brand. It's very sad and disappointing. I will search for the part number in google and check for any alternates. The part number for the exhaust temp sensor is VSC57079B607.
Hey Nick, I have a similar problem with my 1998 Viking Princess . Port exhaust overheat light on flybridge. Been trying to locate sensor. Have twin Caterpillar 660's. No luck from Princess or Viking.Do you have any info on location? Thank You, Jim
Hey Jim, Glad to help. You should be able to order from the link below. Let me know if you have any issues. I also have the link to order direct from the manufacturer. https://pyaparts.com/exhaust-temp-sensor-through-hose-new-style/
Hey Nick, Thank you for your information. Been trying to solve this for months now! Do you happen to know where this sensor's located in exhaust system for replacement?? Would you mind sharing the manufacturers link ? Again thank you so much for your help!!! Jim
Jim, See the picture, the sensor is on the exhaust pipe and very easy to locate. What happened to ordering from US part store? You will save duty and international shipping charges. The manufacturer is the ABS Halyard Dealer in UK. You can get the sensors from them if you can't get them from the US store. Thanks, Nick