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New Buddy Davis

Discussion in 'Buddy Davis Yacht' started by LBNJNeighbor, May 20, 2023.

  1. LBNJNeighbor

    LBNJNeighbor New Member

    May 20, 2023
    North Carolina
    I have seen the new Buddy Davis since the name has has been sold. I’m sorry but she has lost the true Buddy Davis look. She has also lost that true Carolina Flare that Buddy Davis and Carolina Boat Builders are known for.
    Back in the late 70’s early 80’s Buddy built two special fishing machines. One was the Lady J for Larry Smith Electronics who hit it big in real estate when the casinos opened in Atlantic City. The second gem was the special Jersey Devil. Both of the boats were not just boats, they were true pieces of work by Buddy Davis. Unfortunately I don’t believe that is the case any longer!
    A name is just name! It’s the creation that is made that makes the name!!!!
    uncleslick likes this.
  2. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    You would think the name sold with the designs and lines.
    Oh well,,,

    Yes, they were beautiful hulls.
  3. LBNJNeighbor

    LBNJNeighbor New Member

    May 20, 2023
    North Carolina
    Sorry to say in some cases and in some people do buy things because of the name! People buy Calvin Klein Jeans just because of the name not because the quality is any better! What I was saying before is that the quality of boat Buddy Davis made down in Wanchese, NC was much better than what you get today. When Buddy himself was making the boats he put his own sweat, passion, and love into each boat. Now Buddy’s boats don’t even look anything like his original Carolina boat.

    Yes, the Pacemaker, Egg Harbor, Ocean Yachts, Post, Viking, and Jersey hulls we’re very good hulls. When we took our 36’ Pacemaker down to Cape Hatteras, NC she was able to take on the seas just as good as any of the tough Carolina boats. The deep modified V from Pacemaker, and Egg Harbor are awesome hulls. The Leeks knew exactly what they were doing.
    I haven’t seen the hulls of the new Posts coming out the factory in MD.
  4. Capt Ralph

    Capt Ralph Senior Member

    Sep 8, 2004
    Satsuma, FL
    New Post??
  5. LBNJNeighbor

    LBNJNeighbor New Member

    May 20, 2023
    North Carolina
    Post has started back up again but not in NJ. Post was originally a South Jersey boat company. Originally just outside Egg Harbor City near Mays Landing I believe. If Post is still using the original molds I haven’t read about that.
  6. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Buddy built some good boats and he built just as many crappy ones..........depending on his financial situation at the time and which way he stretched a hull design.
  7. LBNJNeighbor

    LBNJNeighbor New Member

    May 20, 2023
    North Carolina
    Very true….the ones I knew and mentioned were the two that were unbelievable. The original Jersey Devil was a 43 Buddy Davis. Than in 77 or 78 the new Jersey Devil was made Buddy Davis and she was 78’. She was one heck of of a boat. I knew her captain Ronnie Jones who has since passed. And I knew her 1st and 2nd mates. She was up in Atlantic City during the summer and fished the southern circuit during the winter.
    The the Lady J was owned by Larry and Joyce Smith of Pomona, NJ. They hit it big with real estate in Atlantic City. They sold their boat electronics shop and off they went on their Buddy Davis.
    We would go down to the Manteo/Wanchese area during the summer with our boat for about 2 weeks each summer. We were able to see each boat being made and of course they were at different points in their development. It’s just a part of my life that something to pass along to my grandchildren.
    I’m now in the market for a live aboard with my wife. I sticking with a Jersey built brand. To be honest I’m sticking with a Leek built boat. We have been through a lot of rough weather on a Leek boat and I trust them to no end. I can see why my father stuck with his Pacemakers. They are built like tanks! Maybe not so fast….but will get you to your destination in one piece! I’ve been looking at Pacemakers, Egg Harbors, and Ocean Yachts. Nothing to big but just right for us to live on and some traveling. Any boat we end up with she will be brought to Jarrett Bay to get our special touches and dressed up by them.
  8. Liam

    Liam Senior Member

    Jan 13, 2010
    Is Buddy Davis still owned by Troicki?
    I don't know what's the story with Dr.T, too much brands doing the same or similar thing and non of them producing any real numbers.

    Troicki owned brands; Buddy Davis, Egg Harbor, Predator, Topaz, Silverton, Ovation, and last I know he bought Ocean Yachts moulds and name rights in 2016.
    Factory in NJ and moulds and rights of the Bill Fish where sold to Viking.
  9. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    If you can find a 50' Post with 820 MANs, that's what I would go with.
    RT46 likes this.
  10. LBNJNeighbor

    LBNJNeighbor New Member

    May 20, 2023
    North Carolina
    Yes the Troicki bought the rights to Egg Harbor, Buddy Davis, Predator, Topaz, Silverton, Ovation, and YES ADD Ocean Yachts to his list! All of these boats look very similar to one another when you purchase one.
    I’ve seen his work and it’s a joke! A Buddy looks very similar to a Silverton these days. Carolina Flare which is what Buddy Davis and Carolina Boat manufactures are known for is NO LONGER FOUND OR SEEN IN THIS QUACKS LINE OF BOATS!
    Yes the plant is the original Egg Harbor plant as you drive into town from Lower Bank on the right hand side. Troicki spent a lot of money retooling the plant. I saw one of his Egg Harbors out on the water here NC. The woodwork is NOTHING like the Leek vintage Egg Harbor. Here is the sad part the logo used on the side of the vessel which used to be metal is now tape. YES THE LOGO AND WORDS EGG HARBOR ARE JUST TAPED ON THE BOAT! What a sad day! If anyone knows the Original Ocean Yachts logo setup on Ocean Yachts it was the oval as it stands today but out of wood. And Jack stuck the name Ocean Yachts on a piece of dark plexiglass and screwed it into the boat. It was later in time that Jack switched the Ocean Yachts logo as words and no longer plexiglass.
    Now Viking bought the Ocean Yachts factory in Green Bank. Viking DID NOT BUY JACK LEEK, JR (Founder Of OY) house on the property! As far as molds go I forgot what exactly happened to them. I believe Troicki got them but don’t quote me on that….
    In Egg Harbor City there is another up and coming boat brand named Release. This company has NOTHING to do with Troicki.
    Troicki wants all these names is fine but he has to remember that each one of these names comes with different features. This is NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL TYPE OF INDUSTRY. Egg Harbor and Buddy Davis have very specific type of woodwork. 9 out 10 times have diesels and needs speed and large fuel tanks for canyon runs and possible overnight trips! Silverton aren’t generally used in that matter. I DID SAY GENERALLY!!!
    Post has an awesome website. Looking for live aboard unfortunately Post doesn’t really doesn’t meet what we are looking for. The interior of a Post totally matches up to the Egg and Buddy. But the set up doesn’t match up.
    We looked at Jersey Yachts as well. Jersey as well just didn’t meet our needs.
    We looked at Bertram too. There setup is pretty nice but we didn’t like it when there was no separate shower stall. Or has a separate shower stall but with the toilet in it. That’s not for us.
    That’s what brings us back to the galley up set up on the OY, Pacemaker, or Egg. These workhorses give us 99% of what we seek. Speed is not a biggie for us. I don’t see us in any tournament circuits. I see us doing some 30 or 40 mile offshore fishing here outside of Southport, NC.
  11. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    Sounds like you only looked at the 43 Bertram. Although only about a dozen built; in years 94-96 their 46's (not to be confused with the 46.6) had not only 2 bathrooms, in both the galley up and galley down models, but each had separate from the head stall showers; one bath only accessible from the mid-ship master stateroom which IMO is where that stateroom should be located. Unlike the 43, the 46 also has a washer-dryer but after my discovery of this model and during my 2 year hunt for one, learned most of the brokers had no clue.
  12. LBNJNeighbor

    LBNJNeighbor New Member

    May 20, 2023
    North Carolina
    We looked at several Bertrams and Vikings. Nice boats! I’m most comfortable with a boat probably no larger then 40’. My father had a 36’ Pacemaker so I got pretty comfortable with that size. I looked at even the 42’ Post. I see those Babies hold their value very well. Our goal is to find a nice live aboard. I have no experience nor do I like motor yachts. I’ve looking at Sport Fish or convertibles with outriggers. I still want to do some fishing. I’m looking for something between 36’ to 40’/42’ max. I’ve been sticking with Pacemakers, Egg Harbor, Ocean Yachts, and possibly a Post. I love there sleek lines. The Vikings that I can afford in the 80’s model are way to square and many have been beaten up.
    The other issue I seek are the hours on the engines. Some people have taken good care of them while others are dumping the boats so cheap expecting me to dump $80k for new engines.
    One Ocean Yachts not only needed new engines but the teak deck was soft and water damage in salon windows. The owner still wanted $40k. Now that’s a joke! She’ll need minimum of $130k of work to be done and done right! The cockpit alone is a $50/$60k job. I’ve been reading online.
    I’m not looking to take on someone else’s piece of junk and try and make it into something. I’m expecting to put some money around $20/$30k but not $130k!
    We have very minimal needs and even less wants. I’ve been reading on how to hang pictures without nails. Been reading about what to look for as wires and wire corrosion. All kinds of ways to keep the boat up. I’m really looking forward to it. I was reading that on a 36’ or larger there really should be 3 electric water pumps and 1 manual pump.
    If you guys have any input please I’m 100% open!
  13. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    My previous boat was a 38 Bertram that from factory had 3 pumps, 2 of the 3 with auto switches, and 3 high water alarm switches. After living on her in the Keys for several months one year and then a COLD pre summer in NJ; IMO too small for more then one to live on for more then a few months, or in the cold country a week would have me packing.
    The plus of buying cheap and updating is you make sure their done right and then their all brand new.
    LBNJNeighbor likes this.
  14. C team

    C team Senior Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Kent Island
    Post was bought by Worton Creek owner John Patnovic and has not built a new hull since taking ownership. The molds are all sitting outside and looking abandoned. I doubt you will ever see a new Post built again.
    RT46 likes this.