If you don't mind me taking advantage of the much higher experience that most of you folks have on this type of boats, I would appreciate if anyone could give me a ballpark fuel burn for a Scout 28' powered by a pair of Yam 225 outboards. I was asked to deliver this boat, and while the trip is nowhere near long enough to be concerned about range, I'm curious about what to expect anyway. Besides, am I right in expecting to cruise at least in the mid 20s with no stress for the engines? I understand that the boat passed the survey with flying colors, so I would expect her to perform as she should, even if 20 years old... Thanks in advance!
1/10 GPH per HP x2. Find your HP curve per RPM and figure from there. I would guess your going to easy cruise @ 150HP each, 30 GPH total. I had a ole Yam 225 (fuel injected, 2 stroke) on one of our 20' work boats. Deliberately under propped a bit (tow boat). Easy cruise was close to 15GPH, maybe 20 kts. It would suck some fuel on a fast tow but ran amazingly well for a single. Tach was never reliable. I did put a proper stainless wheel when we were selling her, Dam fast also over 30 kts throttle to the pins.
Just for the records, the outboards in the boat I'm referring to are 4 stroke (F225TXRA, V6, 3.35 liters, according to the papers). By and large, I'd have expected somewhat less than 15GPH each side - at least at 20 kts... Then again, if I already had some first hand experience on this type of boat/powerplant, I wouldn't have asked!
Hang on, That ole yam was a fuel injected 4 stoke. I typed wrong. That is how it towed so well also. Lots of low end torque. It was a Mariner 3L, 2 stroke on my last work boat (Floater Boat). Currently shopping for another CC. Smaller with a big engine for our towed tender and river boat.
Thanks folks, sounds good. I'll report back next week about the actual results. Fuel burn aside, I'm curious to check also how the boat performs, because as I understand Scout reputation is rather good in the US, but they are almost unheard of, on this side of the Pond...
They're a very mid tier boat. Very popular here because they sell the sizzle, but they lack a little on the steak.
+1 on CaptJ's post. Look forward to your observations on the Scout, Mapism. For me, it doesn't pass the 'knuckle' test. Knock on the side of the hull and you can physically see a reverberation. It's not confidence inspiring. Otherwise, nice looking boat with good ergonomics. I *think* their larger boats are better built but the 23-28 range could use another laminate layer.
Yeah, agree: Looked closely at a new Scout a few months ago, but decided on the competition instead and glad I did, saved 4ok and this thing works just as good.
I pasted your questions in an email to a buddy with same boat and will report back his reply. As I believe most of us would agree, all boats run good in the calm and although I've only been in her once, on a 1-10, when we got into some 2-3 close chop I would rate his Scout about a 5 and prefer my 23T Contender in same conditions. I expected her to to have a smoother ride and recall making a comment a windshield wiper should have been ordered; maybe some rain X would help.
My neighbor bought a new 38 (?) 2 years ago, First winter spent in the fiberglass shop as it was delaminating. Obviously repair was on Scouts dime, but still troubling.
Although he didn't report at what speed, he wrote, "total fuel burn is about 14 gallons an hour, " stating they were extremely economical under 3500 RPM.
By "he wrote", do you mean the chap you mentioned in post #12, who owns the same boat? That would be a fantastic source of comparable info, if he doesn't mind sharing some. Goes without saying that I'd be happy to reciprocate, as soon as I'll be able to.