While out for my walk yesterday I noticed a motor Yacht named "Urban Cowboy" it had a launch on the aft named "Pony Xpress". That was quirky enough to amuse me. I also noticed another named "Still Waters" registered right here in Vancouver, Canada. That name surprise me a little due to the latitude we are at here.
One of my favorites is where the dinghy on the back is named Original Contract and the mother ship is called Change Order.
We had a thread with an extensive list of funny yacht names - mostly pictures - but I can't seem to find it??? Anyone remember the thread title? (my favorite was "Unsinkable II")
I saw two more that caught my eye on my most recent walk. One was a little motor yacht named "YNot" and another was a medium sized sailing yacht named "Strait to Voicemail"
I worked with guy who named his viking "The office". Whenever you called him and asked what he was up to he would say "I'm at the office." Needless to say, he was rarely at work, more often out fishing.
We've been boat shopping, my wife came up with Porta-Party, not sure it has a future with us but it's kinda funny
Back in 2010 we bought a little 12’ classic catboat and named it Sabrosa which is one of these words that’s hard to translate from Spanish. Then when I built my 26’ classic gaffer we named it Sabrosura, a variation of Sabrosa. Finally a few years ago we renamed the Hatteras Sabrosona, another variation. there is a scene in Scarface where recently landed Steven Bauer and Al Pacino are in south beach and use the word Sabrosona to describe a couple of hot girls…
Really,Pascal? You, the great mariner, probably the most experienced captain and yacht owner in SoFla and you name your boat after inspiration from a movie? And a couple of hot chicks at that? TMI. Please redeem yourself: post a picture of you single-handedly rebuilding an engine or maybe taking a cut through some unknown private island in the Bahamas...
Actually the inspiration wasn’t the movie, I noticed that later. It came from my wife’s ex who in a phone call about their daughter said… who do you think you are, a sabrosona? Right when we were looking for a name for the catboat…. The catboat is now the dinghy on the Hatt. and speaking of Spanish names, the 110 I run is named La Balsita which means little raft. The dinghy is nicknamed El Yate.
Fun how the names of vessels has evolved since the days that we had to call out the boat names to the marine operator over the SSB radio...
My first boat was named "Dorothy L Fitzgerald" when we bought her in 1985. (Try to say that 3 times on the radio.) After a few months we re-named her the original name from when a Greek guy had her built in Maine 1956: "Katingo". Which I believe is a nick name for the Greek girls name Kathrine..(?) Much easier to say on the radio and it should be good luck keeping the original name: The luck lasted for us, but heard she is now resting on the sea bottom somewhere between the Virgin Islands and the Bahamas.
Dad’s rule was keep it short and simple. For decades he was simply Blue Lady. Miami Marine Operators had no issue keeping up.
My pops ole boat was Fate's Fickle Finger. My boats were always called Carried Aweigh. Then finally The Boat,, The Name..