Who was sold at the Ftl. boat show this year? Give us the low down all you yacht brokers out there reading this. I heard rumor that the 180 Mia Elise was sold. This is only hear say knowledge, just to make sure I don't spread a non-true rumor. But I am sure some people out there know! Give us details!
Warning Take everthing you hear/read with a grain of salt. While this boat or that may have had a contract written up at the show, this is only the beginning of a long ride down the slippery slope, as it were: many don't come to fruition due to the renegotiation process as a result of surveys, the trial run, or the fact that the erstwhile buyer just had a change of heart. According to the local fishwrappers, MarineMax sold--what?--a jillion boats. In the best of years, the manufacturers of $500K-2M boats might sell a handful each. In today's market, I'd expect the bigger iron--100'-250'-- would do even better. I have qualified sniffers in the $3.5M market, and even they are being cautious in their due diligence. I fervently hope that the above is all bilgewash and that a lot of dough changes hands, for all our sake.
sold boats Loren is absolutely right, from the initial agreement between the buyer & seller , and the closing, 100 grenades can go off and blow the deal. With that in mind, here is what I have heard. 100 Broward 'Celebration' Sea trialed yesterday 105 Broward 'Freedom' has a deal with no Survey requirement I also know 2 100'+ Browards had deals on them just before the show 99' 'Miss Tricia' & the 108' 'Jani' Both accepted by buyers. 82' Horizon 'Lady O' has an accepted offer and a solid back up offer Two 75 Hatteras's have deals on them: Ribbons & Beaux a 2000 Fine Print a 2002 Two Older Burgers 'Limerick ' and 'Hornet' were bid on, but I do not know if the sellers took the deals yet. The Broward & Hatteras deals are interesting because they show a significant adjustment in the market values & activitie on older semi-production vessels. For the past 3 years it was impossible to give away an older Broward or Hatteras, and from what I hear, that has changed. The Bankers & Insurance people say thing are slower this year than last year after Wilma?? Explain that...
Lazzara sold an LSX at the show. I heard the buyer learned about the LSX from YF, or was a YF member. Not sure on this. Just overheard it. I *think* Trinity got another contract. Speaking of... In terms of custom builders, Showboats Magazine has ranked Trinity Yachts as the #1 builder with 18 projects having a total length of 2,965 feet and an average length of 165 feet. Benetti was number two with 15 projects at 2,797 feet with an average length of 186 feet. Feadship was number three with 14 projects at 2,703 feet with an average length of 193 feet, and Lurssen was fourth with 10 projects for a total length of 2,569 feet with an average length of 257 feet. Among other categories... ShowBoats also reported in its most recent issue a 15.3 per cent increase in the overall linear footage of yachts 80 feet and over that are currently under construction around the world. Its "Order Book", the annual guide to superyacht builds, reports 777 80ft-plus yachts under construction that total 94,404 linear feet. The number of units has risen by 89 compared to last year. The greatest increases, according to the report, came in the 120ft-149ft range. The number of yachts in that size range increased to 141 in 2007 compared to 98 last year. The Order Book also noted that the number of yachts over 150ft also rose by 18 per cent to 139 — almost a 30 per cent increase during a two-year period. Azimut-Benetti was the top global builder in the megayacht range with 93 projects representing a total length of 10,859 feet, at an average of 117 feet. The Italian Ferretti Group ranked second with 83 projects representing 8,656 feet, with an average length of 104 feet. The third-largest builder was Sunseeker, with 51 projects at 4,576 feet, with an average length of 90 feet. Italy also kept its ranking as the top yacht-building nation. Its footage increased by 31 per cent compared to last year's Order Book. The number of Italian builds rose by 87 yachts to 347 units for the year. The US is a distant second in yacht builds, with 103 projects representing 13,056 feet, and an average length of 127 feet. The Netherlands is number three, with 54 projects at 8,965 feet, with an average length of 166 feet. The UK was the fourth-largest yacht building nation, with 60 projects at 5,612 feet, with an average length of 94 feet. All four were ranked the same as last year. In specific size categories, motoryacht builds from 80 to 89 declined from 205 last year to 194 this year. In the size range, 90 to 99 feet, builds were up to 99 compared to 82 last year, and from 100 to 119 feet, the build number rose from 133 to 145. As mentioned, builds from 120 to 149 feet rose from 98 to 141. Builds from 200 to 249 feet were down by one unit to 27, while the 250ft-plus category rose to 17 units from 10 in 2006. (The preceding information was reported by IBI magazine)
Carl, yours was an excellent--and timely--write-up of a yacht that obviously pushes the envelope technologically. Didn't get a chance to get onboard, but would surmise the usual classy Lazzara interior layout/fit&finish. Perhaps Brad and Dick owe you a nice dinner(?).
clay model Interesting to see if you click on "Conceptual": apparently they make a clay model of the superstructure, and then use a digitizer to make a 3D model of it. Or maybe it's just pictures for marketing...
It's not marketing. They have a very talented sculptor on staff that has been molding models for many years. His name is Dick Lazzara.
Sold Boats Speaking of Lazzara. Crown Legacy the 1999 Lazzara 94' went under contract at the show. The buyer is from Houston and sea trialed the boat Tuesday...
From what I heard Jani is undergoing a refit on the west coast of Florida right now with the new owner. The boat has a great captain that was recently mentioned in one of The Tritons. I personally was on Fine Print. This boat was maintained impeccably and was a beautiful example of the "old" Hatteras style. The captain, Bob, is first class and the true definition of a working captain. nas
boat show I am not certain it was consummated at the boat show , but DEFIANT the 124 Delta Closed last week and Will be in Lauderdale Monday for one week before heading down-island. She is a 2003 and I think the last one pulled from that mold. Great boats..
If that is the Lazzara 106 then I read a Yachting Mag article several years ago and they "Reviewed" 24KT. I believe they said it is (was) owned by Nascar Driver Jeff Gordon - car number 24. Who thought going around in circles for a couple hours paid so well...
Just got news that Christensen sold one of their all-NEW 160' Custom Series yachts to a repeat buyer at FLIBS. The new yacht will be "Desperado", slated to splash in 2008. This makes 10 return buyers for Christensen. Nice looking boat! Here's a pic...
Lazzara LSXs The next available Lazzara LSX is hull#11! Wow, i would say that it was time for an American builder to step into the express market!