Was anchored for a lock thru when starboard Detroit would not start. Hobbled it on port engine to a gas dock at Starved Rock marinaGot a company out changed starter. Nothing Batteries brand new. Solenoids to deliver 24 volts to starter will. Not pull down. Now port engine will not start. No boat Electrical mechanics anywhere. Any suggestions? 1991 Viking 63 EAD my
When you say “will not start” do you mean will not CRANK? As in the starter doesn’t not crank the engine. do you hear a clicking sound when pressing the start switch? Does the starter tries turning? you said batteries are new so the first thing I would check is that all battery cables are tight and clean. This is usually the biggest issue with no crank. modes your boat have a parallel switch or solenoid, have you tried that ?
Battery’s are new clean and all cables tight I have been running it down the river with no problems. Started every time. There is. No click on the solenoids engines will not crank. Parallel switch does nothing
New batteries don't mean much on a boat. Clean and tight cables last week don't mean much today either. Do you have a volt meter and a third hand? What else was serviced when these batteries were replaced or serviced since their replacement?
On my 1987 DD 6-71's, there was a small sending unit mounted on the canister fuel filters on the engine. When it failed, I had the same symptoms. I know you have different engines, but maybe a DD thing. A friend on his Viking did the same as you, new starter, batteries etc. It was this small sending unit.
Years ago on a delivery everything was fine. Engines fired up right away. Then on day 3… one engine wouldn’t crank. Batteries had been replaced and the genius $120 an hour mechanic didn’t righted the cables. Don’t assume. Check.
If equipped, yes, needs to be checked. Mine just pulled the shut down solenoids back. I'm also thinking, neutral safety switches.
I remember some designs that disabled the starter when oil pressure was up. It could be anything. Until somebody goes down in there with a DVM or at least to jump one of the two (or three) starter solenoids, were not going to know much by guessing. He is out of range for me. Any DDC guys on the Illinois River? https://www.starvedrockmarina.com/
StarvedRock is an old marina. If Tom still ownes it he should have a few DD guys. I used to boat out of there in the late 80’s and 90’s. You could also call over to SENECA marina 623 W. River Drive P.O. Box 379Seneca, IL61360 (815) 357-8666 Kyle owner or someone in service. They are in the Morris pool and your in Ottawa pool but he may have or know someone that can assist Rich
You can also check with CROWLEY'S YACHT YARD LAKESIDE 3434 East 95th Street, Chicago, Illinois 60617 773 221-9990 their only 1.5 hours east of you ( by car) but if he has someone he could put someone on the road to you. trying to give you numbers of places to reach out to.
Sounds like you may have a problem with power to the switches. Have you verified you are getting voltage to the start pole on the solonoid and all the ground cables are clean and tight?
Neutral safety switch? If not that, is there power at the ignition switch? If not that, is there continuity from ignition to starter? And so forth... -Chris
OMG what a journey this has been! First of all thanks to all of you for the incredible advise! Turns out A Cable in switching box was installed improperly. In turn when the panel was closed it pressed against the two posts on starboard solenoid. Eventually wore through the insulation with vibration etc. Wasn't immediately apparent. Took out that solenoid and the starboard starter motor. The company that came out were heavy diesel mechanics and Not to savvy with Electrical. Long story short. Five days. Several days of UPS not delivering overnight and $$$$ to the mechanical company I was able to move down river. Kudos to the mechanic that came out but not so much to his company. In turn i have learned a lot of my Vikings Starting system(24V) The Starboard electrical starting is still not correct but works. I will have it corrected soon! Once again. Thank you all for the help! Its good to know that there is a good group here that is concerned and always offering help. Regards Anthony
Anthony ! Glad you are going again. Yeah man what a drag… For future reference for all of us Detroit people, at least with a J & T Detroit. There is a sender Doohickey that comes off the cylinder head that keeps the starter from engaging when the engine is started so in case you were accidentally hit the start button the starter won’t engage at the flywheel and cause damage. Those can go bad and not allow your engine to start it’s a sender with a two wire connection coming in and going out. If it ever goes bad an emergency you just double up the two wires to one pole on the Sender to start the engine.