Yeah that was me - I’m using Will Hild for the MANs and am in touch with Robert at miller’s island about the props. One option is to go with a 5-blade Veem, which seems to be popular for squeezing more performance out of sportfishers and viking in particular. But they must be made out of solid gold because those things are not cheap. I think I’d only pull the trigger if I’m quite sure I’m going to gain at least 2 knots on cruise without overloading the engines This is an interesting input. I’m not going to rush into this. I’d like to get a couple more WOT data points to be sure I have RPM to spare before I do anything. still, the PO reported losing about 2 kts of cruise when he replaced the props. So I think it’s possible that there is enough upside potential to consider changing them out and keeping the current ones as spares. would love to hear more about people’s experiences going from a “traditional” 4 blade prop to a 5 blade veem. There’s at least one enclosed bridge 58 Viking listed right now that has them on, albeit with cats instead of mans
Meant to ask you about that - didn’t totally follow your before/after situation. Do you think you got benefit from the 5 blade veems in particular?
Maybe a half knot. What I got out of it was a stronger hole shoot and smoother running. I had the same aspirations as you did hoping I would get 2 knots out of the deal but did not. But I got the props dialed in to give me 2400. The Michigan 4 blades that came with the boat where getting thin on the edges so that is what drove the change of propellers. I think the faster the boat the more benefit the Veems offer. So a mid to low 20 knot cruise boat will have limited benefit from the Veems in my opinion.
I hear you. Don’t take my experience as gospel. I don’t know how fast your cruise is now. I realize Black Dog is in the business of selling propellers but see what they say. I do think they are a reputable outfit. It doesn’t sound like you are going to buy props now but when and if you do negotiate as many changes as it takes to get your max RPM where you want it and state that to whoever you buy them from in the beginning. Mine had to go back atleast 2 times for adjustments to get the RPM I wanted. One adjustment was on the house but the next was not.
Old thread but on our 58 I'm running 33x44 props. Engines are Cat 3412C. 1850-1900 cruise at about 24 knots. Half fuel load in calm conditions she'll hit 36 knots at 2350rpm. If you haven't done it already you really need to gather some good sea trial data and take that to a reputable prop shop/supplier and work on a solution.