I have a deposit on this boat, I haven’t seen her yet. Survey and sea trial next week. Looking for the good, bad and the ugly on these boats? TIA..
What engines? Gas or diesel? Carver built some of these boats with gassers and they re less than ideal. Your surveyor should know what look for but overall these old carvers were built on the light side so possible issues include delamination and tabbing as well as rot in any wooden structural parts made of wood covered with glass like stingers and transom.
Engines are Cummins, 5.9 330 hp. Tanks are original. I figure most 30 year old alloy tanks would have to be replaced at some point. Stringers are newer style hollow fiberglass
Cummins are good. Replacing fuel tanks can be very expensive as depending on location the engines may have to come out
Carver tanks are usually out board of the engines. Ponder this when making your final offer; How to replace those tanks. The original tanks will fail. It a historical Carver thing. Amazing the originals are still in use. 330HP/5.9s are a good engine. Have them surveyed well including oil lab work. Hopefully, no recent oil changes. Any service history on the inter-coolers would be of interest. Your gen-set depends the special of the week when this boat was built. Have it surveyed well also. Hopefully a small Kohler. Saloon windows were leakers also. Is there a web ad for this boat? Please share if you can. Some of the YF members may know the boat.
Yes it has a Kohler gen. Set. What years were bad for the tanks? Carver built a **** ton of boats, I can’t believe they all had bad tanks? And yes they are out side of the engines. These windows do show signs of leaks. I’m ok with fixing that if they are still leaking?
Do you know the thickness of the tanks? I worked for a boat builder and the CG had mandated thickness for different sized tanks. Also how can I install the new ones better? Tnx.
It’s not just the tanks or the thickness of the aluminum but also the installation. Moisture gets trapped under the tanks and the aluminum corroded. They will last a fairly long time, at least 10 or 15 years so nobody can’t say they built a boat with bad tanks. it’s not just a carver problem but a problem on pretty much any boat with alum tanks. Some builders did a better job than others installing tanks.
Well that was a bust!! Boat was perfect for us! However the fuel tank had a leak, the owner and broker tried to downplay it. There were too many red flags . I had to walk away, very disappointed!!
That’s a bummer ! But good job on the other hand figuring out the fuel tank situation. There’s a humdinger down in Florida for sale I would like to look at if I already didn’t have a boat…. 44’ Viking 1988 aft cabin , Indiantown Florida. Under 100K. Only problem is they’re not showing any pictures of the engine room and the mechanical equipment but you never know. It’s on Yacktworld. Looks like a very nice original boat.
I've owned one for 21 years, because I can't find a better boat. It'll have DD 6-71s for power. They've served me well.
We saw 2 Vikings for sale in FL. However I’m afraid of the fuel burn, noise and smoke of the old 2 stroke 6-71 detroits? I did find a nice 427 chris craft that we liked.
I'd argue that point, My 44 burns under gph at 7.5kts and 31gph at 19.5kts. Just to be clear kts not mph. They don't smoke at all, and as long as they have airseps installed, there's no oil in the ER. But hey if you pre a lesser quality boat boat, go for it.
I was hoping you would get a laugh. I have been told, that not all get my humor. There are many Detroit owners here on YF. If we were rich and famous, we might choose a different engine package,,,, but not all of us. Don't be scared of a Detroit 71.
While shopping for a boat, survey the boat and engine well. Higher a surveyor familiar with that boat AND a tech or shop familiar with the main engines. Also; Shop around for a yard that can work on your boat. DIY may not be allowed in some yards. Shop around for a tech that can service your engines and gen-set. This engine tech has to come to you, Is that guy qualified to work on THAT equipment? There are a few rip-off techs out there also. Ask around who is good on that equipment your shopping for. There is not a MAN shop in Jax still. A couple of kids walking around that say they can work on them (HA). There is a GREAT Volvo Penta shop in Jax. There is a GREAT Cat shop in Jax. This could be entirely different in your hood. Finally, Insurance. Shop now and get tight with an agent. A big surprise that hits new owners quickly, Insurance policies are bad dreams waiting to happen. Keep us up on what you find. YF members are everywhere. It has happened before, a member will know of a boat that another member is familiar with.
Detroits aren’t a deal killer. They may smoke a bit a mom a cold start and leak here and there but they re very reliable. That said, once they are done and need a full rebuilt I find it hard not to consider a repower.