Many boat dealers were notified the space they rented from Show Management that were located on Palm Harbor docks have been cancelled. Is Palm Harbor no longer asking their customers to vacate before the show?
I've heard the same thing. My guess is some sort of conflict with Palm Harbor and Show Management. Which sucks because at least you could get into and out of those slips easily with the wicked current there.
The show layout from what I have seen indicates only E dock being part of the show. It does appear overall considerably larger then previous years. Looks like there will be good turn out of 100'+ yachts with several 200' +.
The docks at Palm Harbor were rented as show space by dealers then cancelled. Close to 200 boats were notified. Sales are weak so dealers and brokers want more show space not less.
The show would likely be 20% larger if Palm Harbor had not pulled their docks out of the show. The quantity of boats available for sale, new and brokerage has increased significantly so the show could be much larger if the space was available. If you are looking for 130' and up or a multiple outboard screamer don't miss this show! I am still not exactly sure what happened with Palm Harbor. There are a sprinkling of brokerage boats docked there but it is outside the show as I understand it.
Can someone explain to me the point of the WPB show so close after Miami? I mean it’s only 60 miles and 3 weeks apart.
Sure, that is easy. The Miami show is for the Lamborghini, Ferrari crowd and the Palm Beach Show is for the Panamera, Aston Martin crowd. The shows are at opposite ends of the yacht market. Count the Ferretti's on display at each show... Leopard, Azimut, Pershing... they are Miami brands and the Hinckley, Outer Reef, Grand Banks, Viking (overlaps for both), a bit more traditional More like 6,000 miles
Ok good point I guess but why aren’t they showing the more traditional, and better looking boats , at Miami then
Buyers looking for the more traditional builds wait for the Palm Beach Show. Boat shows are funny events. Dealers pay a fortune to display boats hoping for a sale. Reality is, like a fishing trip, you will likely come home with some leads and high credit card dept. Most Florida brokers will choose Palm Beach as their favorite show. Much better chance of writing a deal or meeting some solid buyers/sellers for future business than FLL or Miami.
A bit off subject, where is the best place to park at the show? Coming from Cape Canaveral. Looking at a couple of Hatteras that will be on display, but also looking at a river boat for ICW - Chris Craft. 130ft and above is too big. LOL Rich
There are several multi-level parking garages located one block north of Clematis and immediately west of Flagler Drive. Flagler is essentially Main Street for the boat show. It’s a very short walk to the show entrance from these garages, maybe 1-3 blocks. There is also on-street metered parking as well as parking lots to the north and south of the show but these spaces fill-up fast. If everything is full downtown, use the CityPlace parking garage and take a shuttle or taxi to the waterfront.
For the past several years the sentiment in the brokerage community seems to be that the Palm Beach Show is the premier show in North America, generating the most leads/sales.
Just went through the registration process for media credentials which is no different than getting a consumer ticket. Be aware of two things: 1) You cannot buy tickets at the show. They are only available online. 2) The amount of personal information being collected by the show promoter is invasive. You may be asked to show your QR code when entering a booth or visiting a vendor. You have the option of refusal. Probably best to exercise it.
My take from opening day of PBBS: The weather was glorious and who doesn't love a boat show! Of particular note: The show was noticeably smaller geographically due to the Palm Harbor debacle whatever that was about. Traffic going to the show was so noticeably light, that not only did a get a close-up parking spot, but I was worried something was amiss. And then I laughed as I realized traffic is reason enough NOT to go to Miami Boat Show. However, decent dock traffic but no lines to get on any boat nor Imelda Marcos collection of transom shoes. HUGE complaint: there weren't any boat show directories. Show Management needs to find another way to save money. Don't talk to me about being green when you have zillions of horsepower in any angle of view. Don't ask me to look at my phone to find a boat's location on their website. Even that didn't work. I tried finding 2 builders and 4 boats in particular and in spite of numerous trips to the Service Desks (??), neither they nor I could find the boats nor builders, not by name of vessel, brokerage company, nor builder name. I could not find the 6 boats that I came to see without numerous calls to the person I was meeting onboard. And of course frequently they were with clients and not jumping to take phone calls. I resent using battery power to find boats and to keep looking at my phone for where I wanted to go. No room for frustration - boat shows are supposed to be fun, even if work ;-). And if I want to spend time online - I prefer YF, our online boat show! Enjoy!
Should you visit the show, we have the new Delta 60 Open with triple 600 outboards and a Delta 80 there. Location is at the end of Ramp 7.