If it looks the same... it should. Nothing has changed, except the hardware. For those of you who posted under the "database stability thread"... thank you! You might have noticed that thread is missing. That's because it was on the old server, yet I thought we had fully propogated to the new server. When we realized the site had not completely resolved, the forums were shut down again. Sorry about that, but it's a safety measure. We're officially on the new system now. From my end, it is much faster then before. More importantly, it will allow us to bring our new features online without an adverse effect on performance. Pretty tired now. Going to rest my eyes for a couple of hours, but I'll check back later. As before, if you notice anything out of the ordinary, please post a note under this thread and I'll address it ASAP. Bestest! Carl
Well done Carl! CanĀ“t see any speed improvements but not slower either, pretty much the same from my horizon, where loading time for a page is about five seconds on a 24 Mb/s line. So lean back now!
its much faster here . congratulations (768kbps) funny how a lot of people say about a site that it is slow and not working how they would like it to and such. but they rarely say gosh the site is working fine these days and the uptime is great. moving server is no small feat. so cmon lets hear it for the admin , lets get some feedback going.
Thanks Lars. Some people will have an increase in speed, whereas others will remain about the same. Overall, it will be more consistent for all users. This will become most noticeable when we have a lot of people online, which can really tax the system resources. Now... there should be little or no discernable difference whether we have 100 people online or 1000 people online. About two weeks ago, when had a record 1400+ people online, the site slowed down significantly. I began making plans for the new server the same day. I would be VERY interested to hear from our members regarding the performance they are now seeing wth YF. While speed is imparitive, we also addressed a capacity problem. Some of my page loads were missing postbits, characters & small graphics on occasion. I use a 4 mg broadband connection, so if I've got missing pieces, then people with low bandwidth connections may not be able to pull up pages at all. This should ALL be fixed now. Hopefully some of our dial-up users can chime in. What say you Kelly!
Thanks William! I know you fully understand the hazards of server switching. Lots of things can go wrong. Due to the size of YF, the move should have taken about 8 hours. Due to the inevitable... it took 30 hours. Originally, I quoted the site would be down for 24 hours. That number seemed to leave enough room for error. Boy was I wrong!
One of my post in the heli thread is now gone. So, I guess a few posts is lost with the server change. No big deal though.
Whoops! Sorry about that. How about I make it up to you? Your next post is absolutely free. Seriously, I saw your post re: the V-22 Osprey, but I really had my hands full at the time. Hope you don't mind re-posting. I promise it won't go missing again.
That's great news Arnie. Thank you for the feedback. Your speed should be among the best of any user because our server is in Colorado. I chose this state for stability... no hurricanes, tornados or earthquakes.
Carl, I bounced around the site a little and it does seem faster by a bit. Thanks for taking good care of the members.
well not to go into the technical jargon and stuff, Carl has done his homework, the traffic hops from europe via london to the site in denver in very few hops. this is very good for the europeans it shows why it is fast. a very good choice of datacenter for the server. i am sure it is equally good for the us members.
Hi, God Job Carl. It seems pretty smooth from here so far ( 768kbps) Sometimes I had it with the graphics not loading too well ( before your upgrade)hopefully this will be a thing of the past.
Err, it looks the same to me Carl. Dialup is still dialup ... But then I never noticed those "missing pieces" you mentioned. So I may not be the most alert bunny. Kelly
Top Knotch Carl, just have to wait for these new features to indulge in! Are there likely to many more videos (Like Milleniums TWINE!!!).
Garry ,I live on a high ridge ,this could be the answer as to how its fast .I just had a new P4 installed a few months ago .The old one got hit when lightning struck.I now have a UPS so thats a good thing . Francois
Faster than the speed of a trawler -- uh, that was a low blow. Does seem quicker from my helm. Haven't been checking in since the boat show and post show activity, but then, I'm still looking for the hook-up ;-) As always, compliments on a continuing job well done. Judy