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Another newbie starting thread

Discussion in 'General Yachting Discussion' started by Jon Rood, Feb 19, 2023.

  1. Jon Rood

    Jon Rood New Member

    Feb 19, 2023
    Greetings YF…
    This is my first post. A bit about me, my wife and I have been empty nesters for two years and we are 15 states away from all 50 in our motor coach. We are hoping to finish this year. Our next mission is the Great Loop. We live on fresh water lake and have a 28’ bow rider now, so we are technically boaters, but nothing of the magnitude of what we are wanting to do. The Rv has a lot of “similar” systems to manage, so while there will definitely be a learning curve, We think it will be manageable.

    We are looking at 50-55’ boats ($1-1.5mm) and had settled on Azimut 55, until we landed here. Seems like poor quality and lots of issues. Now looking at Sunseeker and Princess.

    Appreciate any recommendations on boats to look at including links if that’s allowed here as well as any educational resources we would benefit from.

    Thanks in Advance.
  2. Fishtigua

    Fishtigua Senior Member

    Jul 20, 2007
    Simple really, just charter a boat for a week. You will find so many likes and the trash within days.
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  3. Capt J

    Capt J Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2005
    Fort Lauderdale
    Sunseeker is a better quality boat than the Princess, I have done long trips in both, including 1/2 the loop in one of them.
    Jon Rood likes this.
  4. MBevins

    MBevins Senior Member

    May 23, 2008
    Windsor On. Canada
    Before you get to attached to these boats, remember, Great loop.... Max overhead clearance is 19.5ft at Chicago. 5ft draft for unrestricted canal access.
    cleanslate and Jon Rood like this.
  5. KoffeeCruising

    KoffeeCruising Member

    May 27, 2018
    Congrats. You sound like me 6 years ago/ it’s a great adventure. Couple of Thoughts

    1. Go see boats in person , walk docks so you can get a sense of style, roominess, accommodations. If you like your motorhome; you’ll love a yacht spaciousness.

    2. Trawlerfest in Stuart FL is coming up and is a good place to start. I went to Trawlerfest as a stone cold rookie and it really helped me narrow in what I wanted from what I thought I wanted. It’s easier to get your brain around when you see it vs read about it. And there are lots of boats that “look” good on paper but are unmaintsinable or problematic. I’d rather have an older boat with good bones and solid systems than something flashy.

    3. An early “ah-ha” moment was I thought I wanted a slow trawler, but learned a semi displacement boat can go slow like a trawler but can also go fast when you want to. Long legs to Bahamas or crossing big sounds, or to outrun weather is critical. I chose a twin diesel that sips fuel at 8kts but can go 24kts (gulps fuel) when I need the speed.

    4. 3 staterooms was a must for me; the 3rd stateroom is a bunk room but it’s perfect for sleeping, or bringing a captain.

    5. Your first 6mo-yr is your training wheel year; I took lots of 3-4 day trips up/down ICW (palm beach to Miami). We are midwesterners so it was exotic. Over the years we’ve been to Keys, Bahamas, up East Coast to Long Island Sound /Nantucket.

    6. I had a lake boats for 20yrs, but it was tricky to get insurance on my own. They may want you to have a Cap’n your first “x” months. I earned my OUPV 6-Pack license online and it helped lower my costs.

    7. My 2cents; keep boat where you can fly to it nonstop. I started in FLL area, but have left boat at marinas up/east coast for long stretches - in Charleston, Savannah (Thunderbolt) Baltimore, Essex CT. You can easily go- leave -return. You can do the loop in segments.

    You are in the path of learning- which is also the fun part. Lots of great advice on this forum.
  6. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    Perhaps Sabre-Grand Banks, Eastbay ,Mochi Craft, Huckins, Vicem . Also known as a Down East yacht. Most have a low profile for the clearance problem ,are sea worthy and you can run them fast or slow.
    Don't worry ! I'll help you write the check!:rolleyes:
    Jon Rood likes this.
  7. Jon Rood

    Jon Rood New Member

    Feb 19, 2023
    Thanks for your thought out response. Funny thing is I had settled on a Beneteau Swift 50 Trawler until we looked at after loop trips like Bahamas.

    curious what did you settle on?
  8. KoffeeCruising

    KoffeeCruising Member

    May 27, 2018

    Double funny; I went to Trawlerfest 2018 specifically to see a Beneteau Swift Trawler. I quickly learned that was a nice boat for someone , but not me. That is why you need to get on lots of boats.

    In 2018 I found a 54’ 2007 Pama 54LX. No one has heard of the brand, but I’m hull 11 of this model and it’s been great for me. I think they stopped building after the 2008 market crash, but there are a bunch of Pama owners who have our own little email thread. It has Twin Volvo D-9s, great flybridge, 3 staterooms, 13’ tender, raised pilothouse layout. It was 19’ish bridge clearance …. then I realized I didn’t use the KVH Tracvision Dome system, so I took it down and sold it. Direct TV was costing me $50/month; now I just stream Netflix over Wi-Fi, or if no Wi-Fi, use cellular data on my phone and link to my big salon TV, and have a good tv antenna if I want live tv. So now my clearance is low 18’.

    I have over 6,000NM, 160 nights, 550+ engine hours ….and that’s with no use during COVID 2020-2021!

    Attached Files:

    wiredup, Jon Rood and cleanslate like this.