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Cosmetic- emblems and paint

Discussion in 'Post Yacht' started by Stainless45, Feb 20, 2023.

  1. Stainless45

    Stainless45 Active Member

    Jul 19, 2019
    Post 46 Long Island NY
    2 Questions -

    I have the cast metal POST emblems I assume they are brass covered in chrome. They're tarnished and when I polish them up it just comes back. They're in ok shape but one is split in the middle between the PO / ST. I know there's a bunch of places that restore automotive chrome etc. Any recommendations?

    Aft salon bulkhead we know is wood. It's been painted before but it needs to be redone. The outside of the deckhouse has been painted high gloss Awlgrip, probably oyster white. The aft bulkhead and coaming are more flat white and it is a nice contrast. Again looking for suggestions on paint type and color match. Thanks!
    RT46 likes this.
  2. cleanslate

    cleanslate Senior Member

    May 29, 2018
    Cherry Hill, NJ
    Not brass but maybe bronze. Probably Zamak alloy. It gets a very thin coating of copper , I believe , or something like that, then the chrome. Any GOOD chrome place can do them, car, motor cycle, boat...not much difference. Not sure about the split.
    Look on line for new ones perhaps. Don't think the split can be fixed ?

    A one part or two part paint would work fine. Look at Interlux perfection or brightside, or Pettit ezpoxy . Check out there color charts. I often mix two of the same paints mfg. different colors to tone things down. Examples such as one quart of Pettit Ezpoxy silver ''Platinum" to one quart of their gloss white to lighten up the silver. Or one quart of Brightside light blue and one quart blue-glo white for a lighter blue.
    I like to make my own colors.
    You might want to consider a semi-gloss for the interior. You can make your own by using the paint product you choose ''flattening agent'' to make it semi-gloss.

    If you do it your self, Flood Penetrol , is still the way to go for your one part paints, helps with the flow and leveling of the paint.
    Stainless45 likes this.
  3. SplashFl

    SplashFl Senior Member

    Feb 2, 2021
    S. Florida _ Bertram 46
    My painter had the supply company send a man with an electronic color matching device after they buffed up a small 12" area to match. They told me it was a lot more accurate then even the old Awlgrip paint charts that then used actual paint samples vs. the newer ones that are photos. The new painted area, which was the entire front deck, was reduced to only two small 4" areas where the new paint met the existing and when the tape was removed the match was so perfect you could not tell where the old became the new.
    T.T. and Stainless45 like this.