Hi all. Have Post 50 with 2 8D s for starting each engine that are wired together to give 24 volts to stater. Is there any chance that these very heavy batteries can be changed to 4D models That are lighter. And fit into the battery box and don’t weigh 150# !
I have a 40 Cabo with 700 Mans. It has two type 31's for starting, in series for 24v. I also have four 31's for my house. Much better than the 8D's I had in previous boats.
It really depends on what engines you have although Twin 8Ds in a boat that size seem a bit of an overkill.
What batteries are used for the house, gen-set and electronics? What is your cranking amp requirement for your engines? (or what engines?) Now days, I hire young strong backs to change batteries.
Thanks for responding. Engines are mtu 750 HP v8 yr 2000 Each engine has 2 wired together for 24 volts. The house battery bank has 2@8d for the electronics , windlass and such wired together for 12 volts and connected to 12 v charger. The generator has its own group 24 battery. I’m just getting tired and too old (72) to replace these things every 4 yrs unless it’s just necessary in their awkward location lowered onto a fixed battery box. Sure would be easier if they were a bit lighter 30 # or so would be great.
I replaced my 8D's with Odyssey 2250 AGM's but I only have 2 total. They are quite a bit more expensive but I got seven years out of the last ones and they weigh about 80 lbs.
72 and you want to handle 4Ds?? Find some kids that are not yours and pay them well. The web is not doing well for me tonight. Find the CCA or MCA for your engine and compare it to the batteries you can select / shop from. Remember, going 24V does nothing for the cranking amp spec for the batteries. For example, a 12V 4D battery may deliver 1000 MCA. two batteries to make 24Vdc will still make 1000 MCA. So, pending your starting requirements will dictate the size battery (X2 for 24Vdc). Round up for those cold mornings. If your happy with the resolve with the gen-set, then G24 works there. House batteries: Gen-set / charger ALWAYS running?? Smaller batteries may work here also. 4Ds or a bunch of 24s to fill the house box (3 per box) will work also if the gen-set is not running. Back to the math; Amp/Hour draw vs supply vs how long your drifting. Last thought; do the engines charge the separate house batteries? Your still in Brevard County? I have 4 of these on our Bert. My partner uses them for his 24V, 12V71TAs. Good batts. Made by EastPenn; https://www.westmarine.com/west-mar...arine-battery-1280-mca-group-4d-15020209.html
Sounds like the same set up for my 820 hp Mans. Buddy replaced each of his with 2, 4d's and my diesel mechanic suggested I do the same when the time comes.
I was going to suggest Odyssey batts too. They last longer and really pack a punch better than a regular AGM. Lugging 8D's around, often lifting them up from a tender when at anchor, really messed my back up today.
Agree with "hire somebody" to do the grunt work. Agree with Odyssey battery suggestions. (We got 11 and 12 seasons with a couple banks of those.) They do make some 8Ds now. I'd also suggest comparison with Lifeline, another premium AGM battery maker, and ditto they make 8Ds. Neither are inexpensive, but they've been worth it for us. AGMs also add the advantage of not having to water the things regularly, useful if the banks are in a difficult location. -Chris
Again, I've been using 31 Series Odyssey for years. They're terrific batteries. 2 in series for each of my 24v main starters with a parallel, starting 12 cylinders each. Don't ever need the parallel if I've run the block heaters ahead of time...
I’m interested . I have two standard wet cell 8Ds that 12 volt that power everything . Both Commercial NAPA 908D aka East Penn batteries. I get five years or so out of them. Mine are easy to get to and service. They use very little water, since I’ve upgraded to LED bulbs throughout the boat. This battery weighs 130lbs. $240. But if I can get more life out of them along with a bit more punch , that’s a good thing . So can I use the same battery charger I currently use ? It a Power mania 20 amp, modern charger. Maybe 4 years old. I see NAPA has a Commercial AMG 8d 1450 CCA East Penn for $750. If you have AAA auto club , you get another 10% off. That’s still a bit pricey compared to a wet cell. This battery weighs 163 lbs. why the weight difference ? From the other posts, AMG batteries should be lighter when comparing apples to apples? Where am I wrong ?
Our Lifeline 8D AGMs were about $750/each, IIRC. Something like 1350 CCA, 255-Ah, 156-lbs each. I've not seen anything anywhere suggesting AGMs by definition should be lighter than flooded lead acid batteries. Might just depend on maker and model. I have read that heavier batteries might suggest better deep cycling capability, but that's probably just for very quick comparison... probably have to consult the respective makers' life cycle charts to get real comparison info. -Chris
It is truly amazing what has happened to battery prices in just a couple of years. Those 4Ds I was referring to are sealed / flooded batteries. Considered dual purposes and delver a pile of cranking amps. Just under 100 lbs. Google 904D Some shops still selling these cheap.
Chris thanks for the info. If I can get away from one less task to do on the boat, all the better. So I would never have to check or add water to them , if they are AMG. And use the same battery charger?
Double check that float charge level required for the battery and charge float provided by the charger are the same. Some chargers are adjustable (flooded, AGM, others). Some batteries require a different float charge. On my Magnum inverter charger set-up. There are two different AGM charge settings; Lifeline was mentioned in one of the two AGM settings.
Lol…As we all know Old Cleanslate is a dummy some times…Yes I remember now back when I installed the charger , there is an adjustment thing on the top to switch to wet cell, AMG , and the other fancy battery, I forgot the name. Thanks CR. Anyway I’ve got a motor to finish. No time or money to change up working batteries at the present time. But I will consider my options when these give out.
Odyssey 31 Series gives you big cranking amps, smaller size and weight (78#), and last a long time. https://www.odysseybattery.com/products/odx-agm31m-battery-31m-pc2150st/ My last purchase for these was to replace 2015 installs, 7 years later, and I used Amazon and had them delivered right to the boat.
I remember a customer was tired of wet 8Ds and ordered the Odyssey big batteries. Nearly 2 x 2 square, we had to make custom retainers. Driving MAN V8-900CRMs & the 58SD and 8 years later, I understand these batteries are still working great. Sadly, They don't offer these monsters any more. They were great monster batteries. Odyssey also took over NorthStar batteries. Odyssey has also tripled their prices since our last order near 3 years ago. Lead must have caught covid,,, now priced out as gold.. When my 8 year old NorthStar TelCom inverters batteries failed last fall, I could not afford any more business with Odyssey. It still hurt but my battery shop helped with the Continental line of TelCom HP AGM batteries. It took a while, but I'm walking better now. Just back from a few days out. New inverter batteries worked super great. Yes, I was bugging you kids while anchored out.