1998 Carver 405 Aft Cabin. Over the years have found and repaired many pipe joint leaks . Always at a joint or elbow. This leak I CANNOT FIND!!! Have checked at every fitting ,,, sinks, toilets, ice maker , water heater and of course the pump. All dry but pump turns on for one second every half hour and there is fresh water in the bilge DAILY. I’m thinking it could be in the T that crosses from starboard to port side to service the forward port side head many???? Can’t see it or get to it!!! Any options? Anybody have this issue before with advice? Thanks Capt Denny
I recall a galley down Carver and below the galley deck was the potable pump. The pump out went thru the next aft bulkhead and turned towards the water heater and split through out the boat. That first fitting after that bulkhead was leaking. Thru the years of servicing the pump, that fitting started leaking. Had to cut thru the deck to get to it. Installed a 6" deck plate and use a Shark-bite 90° fitting.
Where you hiding in St Aug? We can put down some ale and gripe about it together. Call in Norse to fix it while we watch...
Have you tried isolating areas one at a time to the extent you have valves or ability to do this? This should help you narrow it down. If you have hoses or pipes going into inaccessible places might be worth installing isolation valves so you can drill down to where the leak is. Pretty easy to add valves and fittings these days with shark bite or similar press on fittings. Even if you can’t find the exact place of the leak you should be able to figure out the hose or pipe that is leaking and run a new one and bypass the leaky section.
Sounds like the pressure is going back through the pump into the tank if you can't find it in the bilge. Pump/ check valve may just n a good cleaning.
Thanks! I guess that will be my next move. These boats are put together so that these lines were payed before the upper part of the boat was added thus hard to get at any long runs. With all the nooks and crannies and bulkheads in the way this should get interesting fast.
You said you already checked - had the same problem and looked everywhere. In the end it was the pump which I had checked times and times before. It was just seeping and it was mounted on a sound insulation mat so you could not see the water going into the bilge. Just an idea if your pump and/or pressure reservoir is mounted similarly...
Thanks but not the pump. Pump is in plain site under the bed and dry as a bone. I wish it were the pump. Thanks
The trouble with clear liquid leaks is that no trail is left. The leak could be event related, such as only occurring while the shower is in use. to find the source area of a leak, I have lined bilge areas with toilet paper to create the track of the leak. I have heard of sprinkling a powder of some kind in the approach areas so that a trail is left. Detergent powder may be good, if it's powdery enough. Corn starch might be OK. Avoid substances that don't fully dissolve, are environmentally undesirable, difficult to clean up, set up like concrete, discolor or leave a sheen in the water when pumped overboard.
Thank You . BUT… the pump turns on once every half hour for just a second letting me know it is losing pressure because of a leak somewhere. So it’s not shower or faucet related. Have resorted to turning off the pump at night so I can get some sleep since the pump is directly under my bed until I find the source. Carver makes it more difficult by having hidden hard to get at chambers along the outside walls and under the fuel tanks. Makes it impossible to inspect behind or under . Those areas drain into the main bilge thru a different series of hidden tubes.
You might put some dye in the fresh water tank. If you can find some UV sensitive food safe dye, that would work really well with a UV light. I have never used dye to find leaks on a boat but have used it very successfully to find leaks in a sub sea pipeline. You will have to flush the tank well but that seems easier than what you are going through now.
Before dye, tissue paper behind the hulls limber passages may help determine the direction the water is flooding the bilge from. From there, keep narrowing it down to each bilge frame.
Thanks for more insight. I would think that dye would for sure show up in the bilge . But before that I’m going to put Shut-OFFS on each line that leaves the pump to 1st determine if it’s on the hot or cold line. Shut one down at night to hear if the pump turns on. It’s a start.
Oh,, Water Heater... Pressure relief valve,, where does that drain.. I remember an issue, when hot, the valve would leak, when cold,, not. Drove everybody crazy for a while.
MY LORD!! You might be onto something !! I am away from the boat for another week and I will check that as soon as I get there! Fingers crossed! Thanks You Capt Ralph